The Nerd vs. Her Secret

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Charlotte's POV

"Help please someone help" I screamed.

But no one came, I've been here for an hour.

Just one hour left until class is over.

I needed to take pics of what she has done to me.

I took pics of the locked door.

And I found out that it wasn't locked.

I opened the door and sneaked into class.

We had Art class.

Madisyn and her girls were asleep, so they can't tell on me.

"Ok, class is over, you can go have your lunch" he said.

We nodded and left the class.

"How did you get out" she asked.

"Use your brain next time, it'll help, do you even understand words" I asked.

I am just roasting her right now.

I stood there like a pin cause I've lived long enough to know what she's gonna do.

"Well, next time, we won't go easy on you" she said as she pushed me.

I didn't bugde, I just smiled.

"Loser" she continued.

I walked away to eat.

After school I went home to pack my bags for tommorow.

I took my clothes out and folded them.

I have a lot of nerd clothes.

I forgot to take suitcase.

I walked out of my house and went to the store.

On my way home I saw Henry

"Hey" he said.

"Hi, you're Henry, right" I replied.

"Yeah, do you wanna hang out" he asked.

"Sorry, I have to do something" I said.

"Ok, so maybe late- oosh, I forgot, I have a road trip at school tommorow" he said feeling regretful.

"That's a bummer" I responded.

"Maybe I can have your number" he said.

Wow, smooth...

I gave him my digits and waved at him as I walked home.

And no, I didn't hit a pole.

I took some sunscreen too.

Ok, I'm ready.

The next day

It's finally here.

I showered and looked at myself, I sighed and wore my outfit.

I took a taxi to school today.

I could see Madisyn and her friends with their stuff.

Madisyn and her friends had the same.

They glared at me and I simply ignored them.

We got into the bus and sat down.

"Eww, boys, sweat, dirt, smelly, torn" Madisyn stated.

We don't want to hear another speech of the year, ugh.

She does this every month.

This time we had the Arts teacher as our guide or whatever.

The last time our science teacher tried to make us sing the periodic table.

This time we just sat in the bus.

"Ok, were gonna play a game, everyone will sit at another seat" he said.

"I don't think it's a game" Andrew, the class clown said.

"Just do as I say" he replied. "Henry sit by Tiffany, Andrew sit by Molly, Savannah sit by Jack, Kritika sit by Michelle....................... Charlotte sit by Madisyn" he said.

I didn't pay attention to everything.

But when he mentioned our names, my butt bounced on the seat.

I walked over to her seat.

I sat beside her and my shirt touched her's.

"Oh no, I think I'm, turn-turning into a- a geeek" she said turning her body into weird shapes and making her teeth come out.

Every one just laughed except Molly and Henry.

Even Mr. Art Teacher was laughing.

I just wanted to crawl into the engine of the car and... DIE!!!!

I had to sit at the edge of the seat to prevent humiliation again.

We arrived at the place and I must say it's pretty good.

Wow, I can't believe this.

"Now that you've seen everything settle in. I'll be putting you in pairs. So everyone pick a name" he said.

Please don't pick Madisyn, please please please please please please please.

I took a piece of rolled paper.


"I got Henry" Madisyn nsaid.

'I got Henry" I replied.

"Let me see, Madisyn, you got Savannah" Mr. D'amelio said.

"Can I at least have Tiffany, please sir" she said flirting with him.

"Ok, you can have Tiffany, so Savannah will be with Molly" he said.

Is there a puke bucket here.

"Everyone go to your room and no funny business, if you know what I'm talking about". "And if I catch you, you're out" he said.

I asked for our room number and this place is awesome.

There are two beds and one bathroom.


I could hear Madisyn complaining 5 rooms away.

Henry was at the sports compound.

I removed my stuff and wore a crop top with jeans.

My body needed to breath a little.

I sat on my bed scrolling through social media.

"Charlotte, is that you" Henry asked.

I ran over to the door and closed it hard.

Oh no no no no, this is not good....

Whaaaat, Henry just found out. What will he do? Find out in the next chapter. I was playing Dusk wood and that's why I wasn't updating, download the game now you'll get addicted too.

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