The Nerd vs. Her Designs

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Charlotte's POV

"Henry why did you leave your wheelchair here" someone said coming closer.

Is that... MADISYN!?!?

"AHHHHH" I screamed.

"Ahh" she screamed.

"Ahhhhhhhh" I screamed.

"Ahhhh" she screamed.

"Just leave" I said.

"Sure" she replied.

She walked away then came back.

"Wait a minute who are you" she asked.


She ran and hugged him.

"Jacey baby OMG I missed you so much I never stopped thinking about you" she said.

"You know him" I asked.

"Yeah he's my boyfriend from high school, he had to move and he told me he'll be back soon". "We text everyday" she said holding his hand, smiling and looking into his eyes.

She doesn't deserve to be happy... what am I saying.

Get a grip of yourself Char.

I just stood there looking at them smashing my teeth against each other.

For some reason it made me feel angrier.

"So how do you know him" she said.

"We were just looking for Henry and I thought he went to pee so that's why we came here" I replied. "Y'know what, I should maybe leave you two alone, just to like reunite or whatever" I said.

Why am I crying and why is it burning?

Gosh don't tell me I'm jealous.

It can't be that cause met the guy like a minute ago.

"No it's okay stay" he said.

Why do you want me to wait, huh!?!

Do you want me to see you smush your face in hers.

I walked away.

"Yeah babe, let her go". "She steals everything". "Let me take you to the mall" she said pulling his hand.

I went to my room.

"Okay wait I'm gonna change first" he said.

"Can I come" she asked.

"Naa wait here with Charlotte" he said.

I went to the closet and closed it.

"How am I supposed to change now" he asked.

I threw two jeans and a shirt at his face.

"Owwwwweee" he said in pain.

I giggled.

Who still says owweeee.

"Aha I made you laugh you have to come out now" he said.

I slightly opened the door to look at him.

Yep, those are the abs I remember.

He looked at me.

I immediately closed the door.

Nobody told me that life was so hard I thought.

Call me weird but I kinda talk to myself

Don't pretend as if mom didn't tell you that the outside world was hard a part of me said.


"Ok Charlotte I'm leaving" he said.

"Why do you have to inform her" she asked.

"Cause she's my roomie" he said.

"Who do you think you are Henry, where is he anyways" she asked.

"Umm we should be leaving" he said.

I opened the door and saw that they left.

I just want tommorow to come noowwweee.

I haven't even thought of a design for my graduation outfit.

They principal gave us a sketch pad and fabric.

To design our outfit, then we'll give it to his poor wife to sew it for us.

I need Henry now.

Then, someone opened the door, it's Jace...

I went to the closet with my sketch pad at closed it.

"Charlotte stop running" he said.

Too late.

Why is he even angry at me, I should be angry.

"You're not gonna talk" he asked.

I stayed silent.

He opened the door.

I tried to hold a straight face.

As I was about to smile I bowed my head.

"Why aren't you talking" he asked.

I started writing on the paper and passed it to him.

He grabbed a stool.

He wrote something and passed it to me.

"Why should I leave" he asked.

I didn't say anything.

He wrote something on the paper and passed it to me.

Why are you so angry I read.

Is that literally a QUESTION.

I didn't even notice that I was tearing the paper.

"What's wrong with you" he asked.

"What's wrong with me, WHATS WRONG WITH YOU" I asked.

"You didn't even have the AUDACITY to tell me that you were dating Madisyn". "You just left me alone, I don't know what I'm gonna wear, you left me on hold, came back here smooching your girlfriend AND I JUST SAT HERE LIKE THE STUPID LOSER I AM WITHOUT ANY HELP CAUSE YOU JUST HAD TO LEAVE WITHOUT EVEN STANDING UP FOR ME WHEN SHE INSULTED ME AND NOW YOU'RE JUST GONNA PUT YOUR BIG BOY PANTS UP and tell me what's wrong with me" I asked.


"Okay okay, let's not get political" he said.

"Shut up Henry or... Jace" I said.

"I've heard enough". "Of course we had to go cause she said so". "I tried my best to come home on time and I'd be happy to help you with your design" he said.

"It 11 frickin pm how can you say that you tried to come early" I said.

"Then why are you shouting, let's calm down and do it" he said.

"I'm fine okay, I don't wanna get her lipstick all over my paper" I replied.

"But you need help" he said.

"Oh are you saying that I should be in a mental asylum" I asked. "Y'know what, it's not such a bad idea cause you WON'T BE THERE" I shouted.

Wow my throat hurts.

I went to my bed and started on the design.

Madisyn's POV

"We did it ladies, Charlotte and Henry are fighting, or should I say Jace" I said.

We giggled.

Ahhh it's good to be bad!!!

Sorry for not updating but tell me what you out think of this chapter. I really hope Charlotte and Henry forgive each other.

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