The Nerd vs. The Naked Truth

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Charlotte's POV

Right when I was starting to like him, this is what he does.

Anyway, I had bacon for breakfast.

I wasn't too hungry.

Henry sat by me.

Is this part of his plan.

"Hi, aren't you hungry" he asked.

Will he use my answer against me?

Or even worse, will he tell Madisyn who I am!?!

"Charlotte, Charlotte, CHARLOTTE" he shouted.

Trying to make me feel weak, huh!?

He wants to destroy my confidence.

"What do you want from me" I screamed and ran to my room.

That went well.

I can't imagine the look on his face.

It makes me sad how the world is, racism is around, hating because of colour and now they are hating me because of my appearance.

Now that Henry knows he's treating me like Queen Elizabeth.

He came into the room.

"Why did you do that, everyone was staring" he asked.

He doesn't know how I feel, he only thinks about himself.

I guess he kissed me because he thought I'd fall for him.

I swept my tears away.

He just stood there.

"Charlotte, you can tell me what's going on" he said.

Are they playing good cop, bad cop.

Madisyn is rude and Henry is kind.

He sat on my bed and touched me.

An electric feeling went through my back, my stomach felt weird.

"Leave me alone, you weirdo" I replied.

"What, why are you crying" he asked.

I didn't say anything.

I was too angry.

I walked to the door and opened it.

"So are we gonna practice for the Romeo and Juliet" he asked.

"Let Madisyn do it, I'm not gonna be... Juliet" I answered.

Right there I saw Madisyn, Tiffany and Savannah laughing at me.

"Aww, don't cry" she teased.

"Yeah, you'll look uglier" said Tiffany.

They giggled.

I ran to the bathroom and locked myself in it.

"Come on Henry, we have to practice for the football match" she said.

I can hear her, is she shouting?

I couldn't hear what Henry said.

But I know it's something evil.

I waited for him to leave.

Why is he taking so long.

I opened the door a little bit and peeked through.

I shut it quickly.

He was changing.

"Charlotte, Charlotte, Charlotte" he said.

Again with the shouting.

"If you wanna talk, I'm always here for you" he said.

What he trying to do.

You won't decieve me Henry.

He sighed and walked away.

I walked out of the room and took a little nap.

Ok, it's around 6 pm, so I have to eat.

I took my food, rice and stew.

It's pretty good.

I was done with my food when Henry came over to my seat, I walked away to my room.

He walked into the room.

I went to the door.

He held my arm and pulled me.

I'm uncomfortable with this position.

"Leave me alone" I said.

"You're finally talking to me" he replied.

"I said leave me alone Henry" I shouted.

I saw Savannah running towards Madisyn's room when she saw us.

"Why were you ignoring me" he asked.

"You know what you're up to" I answered.

"What's that" he asked.

"You told Madisyn about Riele and you're trying to make my life miserable and it's killing me" I said crying on his shoulder.

He hugged me, I'm starting to like this..a little.

"I'm not working for Madisyn" he replied.


Then what are they really planning, and why did Savannah got I Madisyn. Find out in the next chapter

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