The Nerd vs The Culprit

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This is gonna be a looooooong chapter so you might wanna grab your popcorn and tea cause we gon be spilling some TONIGHT!!!😆
For more tension or whatever, imagine this like it's you or a movie.

Charlotte's POV

"Excuse me" I asked.

This is too much for me to handle.

"Yes, he swallowed some sort of liquid". "But we noticed some sweat inside it" the doctor.

Okay, I've never seen Madisyn and her twerps sweat so she's off the list.

"Just sit down, we'll tell you when he's done".

Some doctors ran infront of me with a patient on a bed with wheels thing.

Is it me or is the place starting to get hot.

I saw a little girl crying.

Ughhh she's so noisy.

"Sorry, but your son is dead, the surgery didn't go well, she's too scared, she's paralysed" is what I heard all around the hospital.

Dang, this is not a good hospital.

Then, what'll happen to Henry!?!

"Sorry your boyfriend is dead, he couldn't make it, his intestines are ruined, he has to be in a wheelchair diiiiiiiiing".

Why am I thinking about these things.

I held my head.

Ahhhhh, what's this ringing sound.

I felt like I was about to enter a black portal.

Them something just grabbed me.



I was on the floor, covering my ears.

He helped me to get up.

"I'm so sorry" I said.

"No, it's nothing, thank you for cleaning the floor. We haven't done it in years" he replied.

I used my hand to brush my dress.


I went in and saw Henry on so many wires or whatever it's called.

"I thought you left after what happened" he whispered.

"I had to take care of you" I said.

He was too weak to talk normally.

I pulled a chair next to the bed and sat down.

"So how are you feeling" I asked.

"Not so good". "My stomach hurts really bad, and it's given me a headache". "I just wanna sleep but I can't" he complained.

"Well if you want I can just go, you can rest" I said as I stood up.

He held my wrist.

"You can stay, I don't wanna be bored" he replied.

"Oh no, I can't do that". "I'm too noisy, I'll call the doctor" I responded.

"I'll deal with it" he smiled.

Well, if you say so.

I sat down.

"So who do you think did it" I asked.

"Did what" he asked.

"Poisoned you. Didn't the doctor tell you that" I asked.

"NO HE DIDN'T SAY IT" Henry shouted.

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