The Nerd vs. The Cheerleaders

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Charlotte's POV

"But they said stuff like do you think he'll be faithful and I don't know, we'll have to wait and I hate that nerd, always messing everything up, don't worry, he'll take care of her" I said.

"She was talking about Andrew, Tiffany is dating him, and it's their one week anniversary and since Molly is in his room, maybe she'll steal him" he replied.

Oh, yeah, she's the kind girl.

"Well what about the part where she said
I hate that nerd, always messing everything up, don't worry, he'll take care of her and as I say that I realize it" I said.

"Sorry Henry, for everything" I continued.

"It's nothing, but why were you avoiding me" he asked.

"I thought you were gonna tell her about Riele" I admitted.

"I'd never do that" he said.

He opened his arms for a hug and smiled.

"This doesn't mean we're friends" I said.

I hugged him back.

"Umm, Henry, you have to let go, I'm stuck" I said as I tried to let go of his grip.

He finally let me go.

"What a touching moment" Madisyn said.

"Don't you ever mind your own business" I asked.

"Don't you ever... be... don't you ever stop being a nerd" she asked.

Now that is what I call an embarrassment.

"Let's go girls, we have work to do" she commanded.

Time flew by, I learnt my scripts, my textbooks as Henry trained for the match next week.

I went onto the bench near the field and watched him play.

When he noticed me, he waved.

I waved back.

That's so sweet of him.

"Stay focused Henry" Madisyn said glaring at me.

Why is she angry if we're aren't even dating.

"Go team, go Eagles,  You're gonna beat those beetles the cheerleaders" said.

"Eww, beetles, they're not as hot as Henry, Goooo Henry" Madisyn said

"Isn't it a teamwork" I asked.

The rest of the team looked really offended and everyone looked at Madisyn.

She is humiliating herself, again.

"Stay focused kids, stay focused, we have to win this" Coach Mtryle said.

"Ok sir" they responded.

Henry was scoring goals like crazy and I have to admit the cheerleaders were good too.

"Go team, Go Eagles, You're gonna beat those beetles". "You are deafeatless. "They ain't got no freaking chance cause their cheerleaders are are spineless" they shouted.

Some students came to watch them.

It was "those boys" that gawk at girls.

Molly did a cartwheel put her hand and feet on the ground and Samantha did a backflip and jumped on Molly.

At the end the girls were formed like stairs.

And obviously Madisyn had to be on top.

She flipped and landed on Molly as she walked on the girls.

When she stepped on Tiffany, Molly fell which led Madisyn and her to get hurt, badly.

Sadly, Madisyn got a bruise.

She should've got a huge cut or something.

I feel bad for Molly but not so much for Madisyn.

"Owwww, Charlotte what's wrong with you" she shouted.

Seriously, I didn't even do anything!!!

The rest of them got up and wiped their hands.

"We can't keep on falling, get up Molly" she said.

But she was still on the floor.

"Get up, loser Tiffany" replied.

"She's too weak as always" Savannah laughed.

Andrew came over to her.

"Don't help her, you never help me" Tiffany shouted.

"Who said I care" he asked.

He turned Molly over.

"I think she needs mouth to mouth" Henry said.

"I'll do it" Andrew offered.

"Oh no you won't" Tiffany replied.

"I'll take her to the nurse keep on practicing" Coach Myrtle said.

"But who's gonna be at the bottom, and who's gonna be part of the running competition" Samantha asked.

The coach searched through the whole field.

Everyone had a part to act, except me.

I tried to walk away unnoticed.

"She'll do it, Claire, Martha umm, Chipotle" he guessed.

It's Charlotte!!!

"The freak"!?! "I think we'll be fine without her" Madisyn said.

My back was facing them as a cold sweat passed through by spine.

"Her name is Charlotte" Henry said.

I slowly turned to face them.

"Get dressed and join the girls" he said.

"Umm Coach I'm not sure" I said.

"Join them or the match will be cancelled, it's very important to us" he said.

Dramatic much!?

"Why can't you call someone else, like a boy" I said.

The boys sitting there at ran leaving me alone.


"Sorry Claire". "Madisyn, welcome your newest member" he replied.

He took Molly to his car as Andrew helped him.

Henry looked very happy.

"Welcome to the team Charlotte" Samantha smiled

"Shut it SAM" she said angrily.

Guess I'm a cheerleader now.

I shrugged.

Woah,  I guess Henry wasn't evil at all.  And Charlotte, the nerd is part of the squad. Hehe

~ Me💓

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