The Nerd vs. His Past

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Charlotte's POV

"What are you talking about" I asked.

"You look like that girl that hit her head" he replied.

After the little time we spent THAT'S the one he used to remember me!?!?

I don't know what to say.

"Tell me the truth, are you Riele" he asked.

"Yes Henry I'm Riele" I said.

"Then why have you been hiding this secret, you could overthrow Madisyn, she could be part of your squad, it's every girl's dream" he said.

"Well not mine, I want to make friends that like me for me" I responded.

"But I like you for you, sure you make mistakes but, no one is a lost cause, right" he said.

"Really, no one ever said that to Charlotte" I said.

"That's cause they don't know you" he replied.

Ughhh, don't blush me!!!

And now I'm talking to myself, how wonderful...

"I better change before anyone comes" I said.

"I have to shower" he replied and went to the bathroom.

Maybe I could use some help with my secret anyway.

I wore my brown baggy clothes.

And put on Willy Wonka shoes and my braces.

Henry came out of the shower with a white towel abound his waist.

He looks better after showering.

Madisyn came in.

"I'm telling Mr. D'amelio, he said no funny business" she said pointing at me.

I'm a nerd why on earth would I do that.

"Personal hygiene isn't funny business, you could use some personal hygiene yourself" I replied.

"I'm not talking to you geekoria". "Jace will you come watch me practice for the cheerleading tournament" she asked.

"Sure in a minute" he said.

Madisyn left the room.

Could anyone be more annoying.

"Sorry about her, she's my ex" he replied.

"Really" I asked.

"Yeah, so, will you still tutor me" he asked.

"Why wouldn't I, but since you practice in the afternoon we have to study and rehearse for the play in the evening" I said.

A night with Henry... perfect.

Not like I like him or anything like that.

"Sure, "I have to go" he said. "Bye".

"Bye" I replied.

Sorry about the short chapter, just wanted to let you know what happened💓

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