The Nerd vs. The Boss

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Charlotte's POV

"What do you mean he should kiss me" I asked.

"Yeah what do you mean" Madisyn asked too.

For the first time in forever she said something smart.

"It's a dare, you have to do it...or maybe, I can change it" she said

"Thank God" Madisyn said with relief.

"Jace can choose, between Madisyn or Charlotte" Molly replied.

Is this fair, no one kisses Madisyn except me Tim asked.

"No one wants you weirdo" she said in disgust.

That was just mean.

"So Jace choose, we have 5 more minutes left" Mr. D'amelio said.

We looked at Jace.

"If I had to choose"... He said as he sighed.

We were still looking at him waiting for an answer.

"So who's it gonn"- Molly said.


He kissed me.

I had no choice but to kiss back.

It's been a few seconds now.

"This isn't a honeymoon" Madisyn said as she pushed us apart.

Why did she do that.

I mean... It's not like a like him or anything so I don't care at all...

"Yeah, didn't you have something to do" Tiffany replied.

"Oh yeah, we need to go" I said.

"No funny business, I'll be watching you" she said angrily.

I looked at Henry.


We practiced our parts in the room.

Some were going to have their beauty sleep but Jace and I were up.

It's almost midnight.

I can hear Madisyn listening to Anna Oop's YouTube video.

"Charlotte" Henry said.

I snapped back into reality.

"We're you paying attention, should we practice the kissing scene" he asked.

Is he doing this because he knows my secret!?!

No normal boy would want to kiss me over and over again.

What are his plans?

Is he working for Madisyn, is this their plan!?

"Riele, I mean Charlotte, what's your answer" he asked again.

He IS working for Madisyn, he was thinking about Riele this whole time not Charlotte.

I wish I wasn't at this stupid trip.

"I think we'll skip that scene" I said.

"Oh, okay" he replied.

He seems disappointed.

All he wants us Riele, I was right.

I'm always right.

"Well then, goodnight" he wished.

"Goodnight" I replied back.

I can't stop thinking, is he the perfect one or is he not!?

Is he the good guy or the bag guy!?!

I tossed and turned.

Finally, I slept at 3am.

..... .... .... ........ ...... ..... ..... .... ...... . ....

I woke up at 5:55, so why not learn.

Psss psss psss someone whispered.

It's coming from Madisyn's room.

I sneaked out the room and saw Andrew planning a prank on Savannah.

"Shhhh" he whispered.

Her door was wide open.

Is this some kind of prank!?!

I'm leaving.

"Do you think he'll be faithful" Tiffany asked.

"I don't know, well have to wait. I hate that nerd, always messing everything up" Madisyn answered.

"Don't worry, he'll take care of her" she said.

Oh no, is she talking about Henry and I, I hope she's not talking about us, right!?!

Charlotte finds out Henry's secret. What will she do and what is Madisyn planning.
Sorry for the short chapter

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