The Nerd vs. Her Problems

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Madisyn's POV

"This dress is as hideous as your hair" I said.

"Sorry" she replied.

She should be.

"Hurry come on they're waiting for us" I said. "First let's go to the janitors closet, take the huge torch, you'll put it near the door, suddenly that angelic choir sound which will be played from your phone and I'll come in, flip my hair and make your so called design good" I said.

"Okay" she's mumbled.

"We don't mumble, we talk bodly" I shouted.

She got the equipment connected her phone to the speakers, and I was beautiful.

My new one

I walked down the stairs for more tension

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I walked down the stairs for more tension.

I could hear... nothing.

Everyone was silent to see and hear one of my many grand entrances.

I could hear my own heels.

"Start the music, the lights and start the fan after like 5 seconds" I whispered.

"You see, Savannah should do that more" someone said.

What're Charlotte and MY boyfriend doing.

They can't talk to each other.

"I know right, nice to see Madisyn, or should I say Bertha mad... Charlotte, let's hang out sometime you're really fun" he said.

"Sure and thanks, you're fine too" she replied.

"Ahhhhhhhh" I screamed.

Charlotte's POV

"I like this side of her, Savannah should do that more" I said.

"I know right nice to see Madisyn, or should I say Bertha mad... and Charlotte let's hang out sometime you're really fun" he said.

Are we going out again!!!!!!


"Sure and thanks you're fun too" I smiled.


What was that?

I turned my head to see Bertha, raging RED, literally.

Yup that's what I'm calling her now.

Whatever, IDC.

Henry and I walked in and sat near Molly and Andrew.

"Bruuhhhhh that was awesome" Andrew said.

"What do you mean" I asked.

"Your entrance silly" Molly answered.

Henry was as confused as I was.

Everyone was clapping and cheering and murmuring.

"What happened" Henry asked.

"Stop playing dumb" they said.

"TELL US" I said.

"Okay geez" she said. "We were waiting for you to come and that's when we heard ahhhhhhhh, y'know angelic choir stuff". "Then there was this huge spotlike at the door, then wind started blowing". "Then you guys came holding hands, and Charlotte just flipped her hair and you came in" she answered. "Usually Madisyn does that she did it on her first day in the first grade".

I looked at my hand.

Henry was holding it, how did I not notice it.

"Well we didn't do that" I said.

"Then who did" Andrew asked.

The murmur began to grow.

Then, someone grabbed me!

No other than Madisyn, what's she gonna do now?

"What's wrong with you" I asked.

"This" she said. She took a bucket of water and poured it on me.

"That's what you get when you steal my spotlight, LITERALLY" she replied.

"Come on Charlotte let's go" Henry said.

Molly and Andrew followed.

"No wait Henry I'm sorry" she said.

She looked sad.

But that's what she gets when she doesn't apologize to ME 😌

We went to my room.

"Don't worry I can't cut it out, I'm great at designs" Molly said

"I'm great at supporting" Andrew said.

"And I'm great at giving advice" Henry replied.

I gave them a smile.

I gave Molly everything she needed

Meanwhile Henry was watching TV.

3 minutes later

"Okay it's ready" she said.

This is better than my original one.

This is better than my original one

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We walked into the hall.

Yup all eyes were on us again.

And Mr. D'Amelio was starting to speak.

We stay at our seats.

"As you know we always start with the girls, and as the girls know, we start with the best. So let's give a round of applause to Madisyn" he said.

Wooooo hoooooooo I sure love her after all she's done to me, pfft.

"Thanks, I'd like to say thank you to everyone, for accepting me into your lives with happiness, I hate you all except Henry" she smiled.

"Wow amazing speech, that's why she she best" he said.

It went from Tiffany, Savannah, Samantha, Ashley, Maria, Allison, Molly, Beatrice, Lexi, Daphne, W.K to me...

"And lastly, Charlotte Downs" he said.

"Hello everyone, thanks for not forgetting me like you did last year". "I've had some memorable memories here, I've found true friends here, that accept me for who I am and it's with great honour that I present to you the real me". "Riele Claire Downs" I said.

I tore the dress, it was tear away, and underneath it was a way better dress. I removed my mask and let my hair out.

"Hi, how are ya" I said.

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