The Nerd vs. The Highness

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Riele's POV

Oh my fudging gosh, I can't believe it!!!.

I squealed in my room.

"So you're telling me that you're Juliet" my friend, Gilean asked.

"Yeah, and that cutie is my Romeo" I said.

"Are you sure everyone is cool about this" she asked.

"Yeahhh.... Well, except Madisyn and her twerps" I replied.

"Watch your back, this happens in every movie" she said.

"I don't watch those, they aren't real" I replied.

Maybe she's right, what will Madisyn do to me.

Gilean had to leave, so I walked her out.

"Bye" I said.

"Stay safe" she warned.

I closed the door and walked away.

I bumped into someone, you'll never believe who it is.


"What's wrong with you" she asked.

"Excuse me, you were on your phone Mad- I mean YOU" I said.

"Charlotte" she asked.

"Who's that and don't change the subject" I asked.

"You sound like her, you have braces clanging" she said suspiciously.

Yh oh, I forgot about those.

"But you can't be her, you're hot, you might have her hair, braces and skin tone but, she's too nerdy to be like you" she said.

Is that what she thinks of me?!?

"Whatever" I rolled my eyes.

I wish someone would just steal that Ruby and diamond crusted phone.

They look too fake.

I have to practice for Juliet anyway.

The next day

Charlotte's POV

I heard people talking about me

Y'know, the real me.

Madisyn must have told everyone.

"I heard she's like that idiot" I heard someone say.

"Maybe it is her" her friend replied.

I froze.

I wear these weird shoes so you'll know when I'm coming.

"It couldn't be her, just look" she said as she pointed at me.

"She must be hot if Maddie says so" a boy said.

"She's mine" another replied

Ugh, boys.

Henry was at his locker when a boy came to him.

"Did you hear about the new hot girl" he asked.

"Yeah, I did, she's really nice" he replied.

Him too?

"Ooo, guess you're not so innocent" his friend, Shawn said.

"No, I mean she sounds like a nice person" he said.

"Just cause YOU helped her doesn't mean she's nice, she's into guys like me" said Shawn.

That makes absolutely no sense, absolutely none.

I was so annoyed that I walked faster.

"Charlotte, please wait" Henry said

Why is he talking to someone like me.

Or has he figured it out.

"Can you tutor me" he asked.

What should I say.

"Why" I asked. "You're an A student".

That's what I like about him, cute, polite and smart.

But I don't like him.

"I'm getting A- instead of A+ because of the lacrosse game coming up" he answered. "So my dad says I have to get A+ in the History test or I'm off the team".

That's just cruel.

I wouldn't do that if I were his dad, or a parent to that matter.

"I'm free on Tuesdays and Fridays" I replied.

"Thanks, maybe we can practice for the play coming up too" he smiled.

"Why not" I replied.

I gasped.

This is the first conversation I've had as Charlotte with a person that's not a teacher.

We don't have English today, but we have a road trip tomorrow.

I am looking forward to it.

I don't know how yours are but, when we're going on a road trip we wear jeans with a blouse with the school logo on it.

Tommorow is Thursday, so that means I have to clear my schedule.

As I walked to class I bumped into someone.

"Where do you think you're going" she asked

Ugh, doesn't she ever take a day off.

"Let me spell this out for you, GIVE HER HER ROLE" Savannah said.

"I can't...twe- twerps" I said.

I did it!!

I just wanted them to know that they can't mess with me

"That's it" she replied.

They all pulled me and locked me on the janitors closet.

"She belongs there" said Tiffany.

"Maybe she can make some friends" she replied.

"Ahhhhhh" I screamed

Sorry for not updating and the short chapter, I felt really last and j hope you enjoy this chapter.

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