The Nerd vs New Beginning

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Charlotte's POV

"We're here, everyone leave your baggage in the bus and come inside" Mr D'Amelio said

When the drama teacher told me that we were going to perform I thought it was just us infront of celebrities, NOT US COMPETING WITH OTHERS

I like you, come on your dressing room I at the back he said.

Henry and I went backstage.

People were already acting.

The crowd looked bored.

Extremely bored, I don't blame them.

Madisyn stuck her tongue at me.

Awww fan behavior I said.

I put on the Juliet outfit.

Henry and I went to look at the competition.

"Everyone wake up it's over, that was so long that I could've gotten pregnant, next we have Jordan and Emily" Will announced.

Oh Romeo, how I enjoyed throwing it back on thou last night she said.

Oh no this isn't for performing, ITS FOR HUMILIATING FOOLS.

And we're the fools.

I need Molly.

I went to the audience and took Molly and Henry to my dressing room.

I need you to spice up the outfits I said

Sure but why she asked

Haven't you seen what's going on there I asked.

No one understands a word they're saying I said.

Will brought us here to be the next woah Vicky, he's humiliating us I replied.

30 minutes later

"Next up we have Henry and Charlotte"

Henry and Charlotte...

Charlotte and Henry sounds better.

I shrugged it off.

We walked up to the stage.

The people looked at us in shock.

So yeah we may have cut the puffy shoulders, and cut off the tights... and other stuff.

"Sup Jule" Henry said.

"Hey Romeo watcha doin" I asked.

"I'm going to the movies, wanna come" he asked.

Uhh what's my line again?

"Nah, my dad is crazy about us, he wouldn't allow it" I replied.

"Can I at least kiss you if this might be the last time we kiss" he asked.

Real smooth Romeo, just go ahead and ask me for a kiss.

"But you're a saint, you can't do that" I answered.

"I got lips, don't I" he asked.

His side of the scripts is so bad...

"You do but...lips are for prayers only" I said

"Then shut up while I pray" he said

He kissed me.

I could hear my own breath.

My first kiss, I had my first kiss when I was 17.

Well this is going in the diary.

"So how was it" he asked.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2020 ⏰

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