The Nerd vs. Her Plan

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Charlotte's POV

"You're supposed to wear the uniform" Michelle said.

Oh no.

She lead me to the changing room and gave me my outfit.

"That's too short" I complained.

"That's what we wear, and we look good in it" she's replied.

I wore the outfit and wow it's short.

It could be a bathing suit.

I wore my oversized jorts and my jacket over it.

I walked to the field waving at them.

"What are you wearing" Savannah asked.

"Remove that hideous dress" Tiffany said.

"It doesn't matter, she's not gonna be part of the practice routine" Madisyn replied.

"But Coach said that I cou-"

"But Coach said nothing" she shouted. "What's up with you, getting into my business, stealing my boyfriend, my spot on the play and the attention". "You're absolutely nothing, just a worthless, stinky, fat, useless piece of poop".

I looked at my arm and thought of the marks.

Maybe it's not such a bad idea.

I could see my tears blurring my view.

"Oh, and you're a crybaby, crying all the way to your precious Henry".

The girls were laughing at me except Samantha.

"Now leave and don't you ever and I mean EVER come back on this field" she commanded.

I ran off the field and went to my room.

I looked at my hand again, it's moments like these that make me do this.

Maybe I should tell everyone about Riele, I could avoid all of this.

Henry's POV

I heard the girls practicing as I ran to catch the ball.

"Your precious Henry" is what I heard.

I stopped.

What did I do!?!

Suddenly, I felt a huge thump on my head.

"What the heck"!?! I shouted.

"Focus dude, you can go and do whatever with the girls, later" Jack said.

I turned over and saw Charlotte running.

"Hold on, hold on guys time out". "Let's take a break" I said.

"Finally" Anthony sighed.

I started running toward the gate.

Madisyn grabbed my hand.

"Hey, Hen, where are you going" she said touching my chest and walking closer to me.

"Sorry, I have to go" I responded.

"What do you mean" she asked, confused.

"I have to go to my room, I'm kinda tired" I lied.

"Oh okay, maybe we can go on a date later today" she replied smiling.

"Sorry, I'll be practicing with Charlotte" I replied.

She pushed me.

"Is everything about her, what does she have that I don't" she shouted.

"A kind attitude, a humble soul, real beauty, should I continue" I asked as I walked towards the door.

She looked at me surprised, then looked at her team.

"What are you looking at!?! Come on, practice idiots" she commanded.

I ran over to my room and saw Riele.

She was lying face forward on her bed.

"What happened to Charlotte" I asked.

"She doesn't wanna be Charlotte anymore, she wants to be Riele" she answered.

"As long as you're not gonna change your attitude I'm fine with it" I replied.

She said nothing.

"So how are you" I asked.

"I'm fine" she said.

"Okay, guess I'll go prac-"

"Are you mad" she asked

"What, I don't get it" I replied.

"When a girl says she's fine she is NEVER fine, trust me, your girlfriend would dump you if you made this mistake" she said.

I noticed some marks on her hand.

"Charlotte" I said.

'It's Riele, Charlotte is dead to me" she replied.

"Well I hope she's not dead from your obsessive cutting" I said feeling angry.

She pulled her hand out of my mine and put it on her chest.

As I was about to take her hand to look at it, she shouted.

"You're not gonna touch it are you" she asked.

"Absolutely not, I believe that women aren't toys so I wouldn't do that" I replied.

"Why have you been cutting" I asked.

"M-madisyn" she muttered.

"But you're Riele and you're smarter than her" I said.

"Finally someone that doesn't bring up beauty in every topic" she replied.

"And also, thanks" she said.

I sighed.

"Henry, I've been thinking" she started.

"About what" I asked.

"About Riele, do you think I should let everyone know" she asked.

"If you want to do it you can" I replied.

"Yeah, but I want to know what you think" she said.

"Sure, so when are you gonna do it" I asked.

"I'll find a way" she said.

Love you I blurted as I walked to the door.

"Love you too" she replied.

Excuse me, what!?!

Did Charlotte want to commit suicide and did they say love you. Something is definitely going on.

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