The Nerd vs The Culprit 2

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Charlotte's POV

"What" someone said.

I turned to see...Henry!?!

"What are you doing here" I asked.


"The nurse brought me here on this wheelchair and the doctor got fired" he answered.

"So, Andrew... explain yourself. Why did you poison my baby" Madisyn asked.

"Madisyn for the last time we're not dating, just stop" he said.


"Umm, Jack told me to ask Tom for some, poison". "He said he'll tell me why later". "So I asked Tom and he gave me some and Jack put it inside the food". "I'm so sorry Henry". "If I knew it were you I'd never do it" Andrew said.

"You're such a bad lier, Andrew". "I also thought you weren't a snitch" Jack said.

"What're you doing here babe, I mean Jack" Savannah asked.

"Babe" we asked in disbelief.

"That's a long story" she said.

"If no one will do it then I'll do it" Tom said.

He walked to Madisyn and held her hand.

"I did it for you" he said.

"Ewww don't touch my hand" she replied.

"When Andrew came to me and asked for some chemical substance, I asked why". "He told me that he'll get to be captain and I'll get to be with Madisyn". "I needed an assistant so I asked Mr. D'Amelio". "He asked me why and I said that Madisyn is gonna be my girlfriend". "So he helped me and I gave the thing to Andrew this morning and he gave it to Jack" he said.

"And you really thought that I wouldn't take something, or someone" Mr. D'Amelio said coming to the field. "I saw Tom holding my lovely's hand, so I had to come".

"Mr. D'Amelio, get out" Tom said. He got down on one knee.

"Madisyn Bertha Whitney, will you marry me" he asked.



"What's wrong with your who told you my middle name" she asked.

"I was working with the principal for a semester" he replied.

"NO!!! I've got my eyes on someone else" she said.

Tom run out of the field.

"I'll go check up on him" Molly said.

"I'll take you there$ Andrew said.

"No thanks, don't want you to poison me" she replied.

We all looked at Jake.

"Fine, I'll say something". "I didn't have a high position in the school". "I was known as Henry's assistant, never known as Jack". "So I had to get rid of him". "So when we pointed at Charlotte, my lil girlfriend here, put a little too much into his food" he said.

"Why would you do this to me" Madisyn asked.

"You"!?? "That's all you think about, that's why Tiff and I wanted Henry to get sick". "So that   you'll finally shut up about him". "We became friends because of my dad at kindergarten". "And when you saw Tiffany, she's all you could think about". "And when you saw Jack, Henry, Andrew and Mr. D'Amelio, it got worse she" said.

"Me" Mr. D'Amelio asked.

"You were part of this Tiff" Madisyn asked, hurt.

"Yes, and I'm actually happy about it". "You'll finally know what pain is you, dumb headed blondie". "Always wanting your way". "I'd rather be best friends with Charlotte, than stand near you for a second" she replied.

"Okay okay, let me get this straight". "Jack asked for poison to get rid of Henry so that he could be captain". "Andrew didn't know that Jack was tricking him, so he asked Tom who also DIDN'T KNOW that Madisyn's lover was tricking him too". "Samantha poured it between Henry's food, Tiffany found out about it, so they agreed not to tell just so that they could get attention from this idiot" I responded.

"Yep that's pretty much it" Jack said.

"You guys are pretty twisted" I said.

"So what did you say about the Madisyn's lover part" Mr. D'Amelio asked.

"We'll talk about that later" she replied.

"Everyone please keep quiet" Henry shouted. "Wow that took a lot of energy".

We weren't even talking.

He rolled over to Jack.

"So you did all of this, just to be captain" he asked.

"And WE did everything just to find out that it's a trick" Andrew said.

"He said shut up doofus" I said.

They looked at me in surprise.


Graduation is tommorow, I have no regrets.

"Listen, I did this for me and me alone I hope you get that, and to make sure that it happens"... Jack said turning Henry's wheelchair around.

"I have to do this" he said pushing Henry towards the busy road.

Fortunately, he got OUT of it and landed on the floor.

"Henry, you can walk" I asked

"LMAO, I thought you were smart, Nerdlotte, of course he's fine" Madisyn said.

"Yeah, my stomach just hurts". "Tom, do you have a cure for this" he asked.

"Umm, I'll have to think of one" he said running out of the field to the lab.

I thought he left, when did he come back.

"Well, I guess that's it" I said.

"Everyone leave, Henry needs to rest" Coach Myrtle said.

"Oh wait". "Can I ask Henry something, it's kinda private" I said.

"Sure, I'm giving you 5 minutes" he said.

He left the field and Henry and I were alone.

"So how did you afford a wheelchair if none of us were there to buy it" I asked.

"That's a long story" he replied.

"I'm listening" I said.

"First, you have to push me to the washroom" he said.

"Umm, no thanks I think you can pee on your own" I said.

"It's not that, I'm lazy, OKAY" he said.

I pulled him to the door of the bathroom.

He opened the door, stood up and faced me.

"Ow, my stomach hurts" he said.

He removed his shirt and looked in the mirror.

"Eww, why'd you have to do that" I asked.

"I felt like something was piercing it" he said.

"Is this what you wanted to show me" I asked.

"No, it's not that" he said.

"I'm not the Henry you think I am" he said  chuckling. "That's not even my name".

I'm so so so confused.

He put his hand on his head and removed his... WIG!?!

He removed some skin from his chin and removed his contact lenses, idk what they're called but it changes his eye colour.

"I'm Jace Norman, a model from Canada, that's trying to live a normal life".

Yeeeeesh!!! How does Jack sleep at night and who is this Jace Norman

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