Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

My eyes were trying so hard to open themselves. After a few moments, they finally opened. I was still on the couch, with the pillow huddled to my breasts. The TV was still on from yesterday. I must've passed out after I cried myself to sleep. I got up and stretched my muscles. My back ached, even when the couch was comfortable. I got the remote and turned off the TV. My eyes prickled with tears again, remembering that mum wasn't here to make me breakfast like every weekend. That's enough. I took the whole other day to cry. Today is about healing.

I took a deep breath, then processed to wash the pie's plate from yesterday and clean the entire kitchen. I made the living room, and cleaned everything in it. Even though it didn't need cleaning. I also did the laundry and folded it neatly in the closet and drawers.

Finally, I got to mum's room. It was hard to be in it when she wasn't around, but I had to do this. I opened the door to find her bed the same way it was. Made neatly. When I went inside the bathroom, I didn't find any laundry to be done. I got two boxes and started to pack the stuff I wanted to keep in one box, and the stuff I wanted to donate in another. I finished with everything and took my box and put it in my closet and took the other and went downstairs.

This was surprisingly easy, but I had one last thing to do. I had to call Rose and Ewan to settle the matter of mum's will. I needed to fulfill her wishes. Once I've achieved all of that, I'd be able to move on like mum wanted me to.

I got my phone from the coffee table to find that it was 4 Pm. I didn't really feel the time. I also found two text messages from Rose, one from Olivia, and three from an unknown number. I bet it's Adam. I didn't get to save his number yesterday. I skipped the texts from Rose and Olivia and opened the ones from Adam.

Adam : Hey, Cherry. Just making sure you're okay. Can't stop thinking about you..

Adam : Still can't stop thinking about you, and I'm dying for tomorrow to come to show the world you belong to me..

Adam : Okay, you must've fallen asleep. Sweet Dreams, Cherry.

How did I find someone like him?! He was really sweet and caring and a bit possessive, but it was sexy really. I decided to text him back.

Me : I'm sorry I didn't text back until later. I can't stop thinking about you too, FYI. I'm looking forward to seeing you tonight.

I was about to call Rose to let her stop by, but Adam texted back instantly.

Adam : Do you really mean that?

Wow, that's weird. Where is this coming from? Then it hit me, this is his insecurity talking.

Me : Of course, I do. I wouldn't have said yes to you last night if I didn't.

Adam : I'll pick you up at 8 tonight. Dress smartly. Don't be late or I'd love to play with you.

He's acting weird today, but I liked it nonetheless. Sue me!!

Me : Your wish is my command, Dr. Russ.

Thank god he didn't text back, it would've turned awkward. I had absolutely no idea about what I was doing. But when I let it go with flow, it usually turns out pretty well. I decided then to call Rose and she said she'd be here with her husband to get everything done.

They arrived half an hour later and we discussed everything. It turned out that mum put the deed to the house to be on my name. And she also left me all of her money, Ewan said that it would be transferred to my bank account within two days. Even from her grave, she's still taking care of me. A tear dropped down my face and I wiped it. I don't think I'll ever be able to forget her. Or move on for that matter.

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