Chapter 20

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Hi, guys..

I'm very sorry, I know I'm late. I had some writer's block and it was holding me back. I managed to get something out and I so hope you like it.

Please, don't be a silent reader and give me some feedback, don't just leave me in the dark. I want to know what you think. So, let me know. AND don't forget to vote, please. 

Chapter 20

My eyes were desperately trying to open themselves, I felt like my eyelids were glued. I was very sore in certain places, and my body ached. The good kind of ache though. My eyes finally opened, and I tilted my head slightly to the right to find Adam, his head was buried in the crook of my neck, and his body was all over mine. I felt him drooling as he snored softly. He was so adorable; I couldn't help myself but think about what we did yesterday. Now that the deed was done, what would he think of me now? Will he still want to be with me? I didn't know where that was coming from, Adam is a good guy. He's so sweet and caring, even when I saw a different side of him yesterday. He was upset and I wanted to comfort him but he shut me out, and instead he fucked me. I can't deny that he was full of passion and desire, but it was like he was trying to prove something to himself. I sighed as I kept thinking. I don't wanna push him or anything, but if he wouldn't trust me, this is never gonna work.

I tried to wiggle out of his hold, but he groaned in protest and tightened his grip on my body.

"Adam, let go. I need to get cleaned up." He groaned again and wrapped his leg around my body. I was beginning to get irritated. Can't he see I wasn't in the mood?

"Five more minutes." He mumbled with his raspy voice from sleeping before he sucked my neck softly and went back to sleep. I felt myself smiling again; he's such a sleepy head. I looked at the digital alarm clock on my night table beside the bed, it read 11 am. I think he earned it to sleep this long.

I turned on my side to face him and wrapped my arms his shoulders. He moved his head and laid it on my chest. I ruffled his hair and massaged his scalp until he let out a soft moan and placed a kiss on my chest. He lifted his head and laid it on his shoulder while caressing my face and looking intently in my eyes. His bare chest made me throb down there, but I ignored it.

"Good morning, cherry." He rasped out while giving me his prince charming smile. I can't get enough of his voice, or that smile; the bane of my existence.

"Good morning." I muttered silently while drawing random patterns on his chest. He looked down, took my hand and interlaced our fingers together before he kissed it softly.

"Last night was magnificent, baby. I've never felt like this in my life. You're a true goddess that needs to be worshiped properly." I felt a big smile come to my face at his words; he did know how to push my right buttons.

"Well, I believe you did just that yesterday, a little thoroughly I might add." He laughed breathily before his face turned serious.

"You still hurt?" His voice was soft and laced with concern.

"No, I'm fine." I shook my head as I mumbled to him softly. He looked at me with a raised eyebrow and it made me giggle, he obviously didn't believe my lie.

"Okay, I'm still sore and I'm feeling a little weak." I admitted, not looking at him in the eye. I heard his heavy sigh and looked at him to find his lips tightened and his expression is hard and unreadable.

"I'm so sorry, Emma. I didn't mean to hurt you. I guess I always fuck everything up, especially when it's that good." I felt like his words had a double meaning to them, but I'll let it go.

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