Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

"Are you gonna tell me what's bothering you now?"

"For the last time, Olivia, I'm fine. You've been asking me non stop since we left the damn hotel." We were in the airport about to board back to LA.

"You think I'm stupid or something? I know you too well. Spill. Now." I sighed heavily. She wasn't gonna drop it.

"It's just, I really miss mum so much." That wasn't a total lie anyway, and I hoped that would get her off my back.

"Oh, Emy. It's okay. She's only four hours away. And if it helps, I miss my parents too." I sighed heavily again and stepped forward to the checking office to show my passport and ticket. A little while later we went on the plane. I sat down on the seat by the window and stared out of it. The intercom came to buckle our belts and I did so. I continued to stare that I didn't realize we were flying and Chris was calling my name.

"Sorry, what?" I turned to him and he narrowed his eyes at me.

"Are you okay?" He asked concerned, I smiled at him and nodded my head.

"I'm fine, I swear. Don't worry about me." I turned back to stare at the window and started playing with the hem of my sweater.

I was upset, I was beyond upset. He left without saying goodbye, without anything at all. I heard Chris telling Olivia that he had to leave early for an emergency call. I get it that he's a doctor and everything but he could've at least said goodbye. I thought we shared a bond together...

After our make out session last night, we went back inside to the party and joined Olivia and Chris on their table. We had fun and chatted a lot, and I was enjoying every moment of it, except for the times when Chris was a little too open with his moves on Olivia. Adam kept touching my hand most of the time, and he even put his hand on my thigh and caressed it softly. I was on cloud nine.

When we got tired, we decided to go back to our rooms. When we got to mine and Olivia's, Chris stopped to kiss her. I cringed inwardly, they're literally are always all over each other. When I turned to Adam he chuckled at my expression. He leaned closer and kissed my forehead. It was so hard not to fall for him.

Olivia kept nagging me, and I shared everything with her. It was surprising actually that she paid attention since she and her hot fiancé are like horn dogs. Her excitement was contagious that we kept fooling around, had a pillow fight and laughed our asses off, just like we were in highschool.

This morning when Chris said that Adam had to leave, I felt so disappointed. But I'm not gonna let Olivia know that. I don't even have any contact information to him. I could easily get it from Chris but that's the whole point. I'm not gonna throw myself at him just because I want him. I was very clear about my feelings, and it has to come from his side too, and if we're on the same page, then he knows where to find me.

I looked beside me and found Olivia sleeping on Chris's shoulder, she let out a soft snore that made Chris turn to her and chuckle softly, then he kissed her forehead. I realized that I want what they have. I want to love someone with all of my heart, and him to love me back. I found my thoughts drifting to Adam. Why am I like this?

Suddenly, I felt us landing. Wow, I've been thinking for four hours.  It made me exhausted, not to mention I'm jet lagged too. We went off the plane and got inside the airport. It was chilly so I hugged my sweater more to my body. When we finished with everything, we got outside and waited for Chris to get his car. We put our suit cases in the trunk and hopped inside before he took off.

They made a small talk together, and I didn't have the energy in me to join them, so I got my phone out of my pocket, turned it on, texted my mum that I'd be home soon, and that I miss her,and started scrolling through the selfies Olivia and I took in Miami. There was one she took when we were by the pool in our swim suits and sunglasses, pouting our lips sassily at the camera. I smiled at this one, it was cute.

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