Chapter 19

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Warning: Mature Content,

Well, you know the deal!!
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Chapter 19

I squealed when Adam threw me on the bed with a slightly violent thud, his eyes looked predatory and filled with lust. He crawled on top of me and started placing very light kisses all over my face and down to my neck.

When he got to my soft spot, it made me giggle a lot because I was a little ticklish. He looked up at me with a smile and warmth in his eyes. He kissed my lips then and deepened the kiss when I moaned into his mouth. He licked my lips and tongue, getting my taste in him. I bit his bottom lip and he growled and started grinding on me.

"I want you." He whispered to my lips and stopped everything to look into my eyes, waiting for my permission. I caressed his hair and he leaned into my touch but he was still waiting for a reply. I kissed him and nodded my head. His eyes twinkled with mischief before he tore off my top and threw it behind him. I giggled as he continued to take my clothes off of me until I was fully naked.

I felt self conscious under his fierce gaze so I covered my body with my hands as I felt my face burning, and turned on my side.

"Don't ever do that again." His husky voice made me tremble as he turned me back and removed my hands."All of this beauty belongs to me, you don't get to turn it away from my eyes." I smiled at him and he grabbed my breasts, fondling them and  pinching my nipples. I let out a yelp because they were sensitive. He set my whole body on fire. When I opened my eyes he was still dressed.

"Adam.." I meant to call him but it came out as a whimper because he pinched my nipples again.

"I know, baby." He muttered tenderly before he kissed my forehead and sat up. He took off his shirt and I drooled at the side of his chest and abdomen. I was itching to touch him so I sat up and ran my hands on his chest. He closed his eyes and sighed heavily. I leaned closer and placed a kiss on his neck, then his chest before he grunted and pushed me down again. He kissed my lips hard, I felt them tingling.

He was fussing then I felt his tip rubbing against my folds. I broke the kiss and moaned loudly. I've never done anything like this before, but damn!  It was good.

He threw his shorts to the side as he lay naked on top of me. The idea was overwhelming and I took a deep breath to calm my self. He kept massaging me with his enormous manhood and I shivered as I felt my self coming but he groaned and stopped.

"Not so soon, cherry. I have to be so fucking deep inside you so you can come." I wasn't sure I would handle all of this. I felt nervous since this was my first time and he knew it. He held my palm and kissed my knuckles before mumbling "Don't be scared, baby. If you relax, the pain will be over before you know it." He was so sweet, I felt like crying. I was a little calmer at his soothing voice.

"I'm not scared, Adam. I want this with you. Take me." I uttered before I kissed him deeply and started scratching his back. He growled, spread my legs wider and positioned himself at my entrance before he buried his dick deep into me. I screamed at the burning sensation, and bit on his shoulder quite hard. He grunted and held still.

"I'm so sorry, Emma. I know it's painful, but it'll ease up, baby. Just breathe."I nodded and did as he said. He kept soothing me as he kissed down my neck before he went to my chest and started sucking on my right nipple. He rolled it with his tongue and it gave me goosebumps. He turned to my left breast showing it the same attention and sucking on my nipple harder. I guess he loves to suckle on my breasts the most. He kept doing that until I felt the pain gone and replaced with intense pleasure. I patted his ass and he started moving ever so slowly in and out of me.

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