1: Wolf Moon

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Stiles found out about a murder in the woods and picked me up so we could go investigate, first we had to get Scott. I hid behind the bushes as I hear Scott walk onto the porch. I hear screaming and I stand up to see Stiles hanging from the roof and Scott about to hit him with a bat.

"Guys" I yell running over to them. 

"Stiles! Y/n! What the hell are you doing" Scott says pissed. 

"You weren't answering your phone! Why do you have a bat?" Stiles questions. I shake my head.

"I thought you were a predator" Scott stutters a little. Stiles starts to stutter and laugh.

"We know it's late but you gotta hear this" I say. I motioned for Stiles to talk.

"I saw my dad leave 20 minutes ago, they called in all officers and even state police" Stiles says. I nod, he told me this in the car after he 'kidnapped me'.

"For what?" Scott asks.

"Two joggers found a body in the woods" Stiles says before flipping off the roof.

"A dead body?" Scott asks. Of course a dead body, no wonder he has always had bad grades.

"No a body of water, yes dumbass a dead body" Stiles rolls his eyes. I hold back at laugh. 

"You mean murdered?" Scott says.

"Nobody knows yet" I say. Stiles nods before continuing on.

"If they found the body, what are they looking for?" Scott asks.

"That's the best part, they only found half, were going" Stiles says. I gag a little.

"You are insane" I say starting to walk down the steps. We get into his Stiles' Jeep and drive off into the woods. 

"Were seriously doing this?" Scott asks. I nod crossing my arms. 

"Your the one who's always bitching that nothing ever happens in this town" Stiles says. 

"He's got a point" I say following Stiles.

"You always side with him" Scott groans.

"Oh shut up you big baby" I laugh. We start walking, Stiles has the flashlight, I'm right behind him and Scott is close behind me. The boys start talking about Lacrosse. They both low key suck at it but I don't have the heart to tell them. 

"Just out of curiosity, which half of the body are we looking for?" Scott asks. 

"Huh, I didn't even think about that" Stiles says. I hit him in the arm.

"Hey what was that for" He says.

"You took us into the woods to find a half of a body, and we don't know which half we are looking for" I say a little mad, I was cold, I didn't want to see a dead body but i love spending time with Stiles. I may have a little bit of a crush on him. 

"I wonder if whoever killed the body is still out here" Scott laughs. I get scared by things like that easily.

"Dude stop your scaring me" I say getting closer to Stiles. 

"Also something I didn't think about" He says wrapping his arm around my shoulder. He let's go when we had to climb a little mountain thing. I hear behind me Scott having trouble breathing. He has severe asthma. I watch as he leans against a tree and uses his inhaler. I look at him worried.

"I'm fine y/n, I can't see you but I can feel the look of worry on your face" He says. I sigh and laugh a little.

"Sorry i'm worried about my friend" I say. Stiles falls to the ground. Scott does too. I look at the confused. Stiles pulls me down next to him.

I wish I was her(Stiles x reader)Where stories live. Discover now