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Elijah's POV.

The blue scarf that Juliet gave me was my first gift ever. In a way I never got a real gift, my dad never bought me anything. He was always busy making money to even give attention to Mom and me.

People think that I am rich and to make me notice them, they give me expensive gifts. I don't like those costly wine bottles or Rolex watches that I don't even use.

When I tear the bag to find a scarf, I feel like the first time I've ever been excited to get a real gift.

I remember her bringing this same bag when I was sick and had that nightmare. I couldn't help but think about my nightmare. The same dream like every night but this ended with a different face.

The nightmare...  

My small steps take me to the library. It is the only place mom stays the whole day at. The walls are shelved with books. Mom's special seat is behind the shelves away from every eye. My mom is different from everyone.

My friends call her psycho. It is not like she is an angry person but there are days when she is talking to someone in the air. Sometimes she slaps herself and says it's her own fault.

When I entered her place where she allows no one except me. I find something weird. She was hanging on a fan. She is still struggling with the rope around her neck and looks at me.

"I love you baby but it is messing with my head. I have to do this." Her words were shaky and some words were unable to understand but all I could see was her face changing into Julie's.

"You are the reason why I'm doing this. You don't make me happy anymore." Julie's words came the same as my mother. Sorrow and suffering surround them.

"Don't do this Julie. Tell me where I was wrong." But before my sentence end her whole body gets stiff and her face changes again into Mom.

--------End of the dream.

" It is perfect and warm too. I love it." I said looking at her. Her eyes are shining and happy to see that I like her gift.

I pull her down into my lap and scoop her in my arms. Her legs are sideways but she is not making the move to hug me back. I pull back a little to look for signs of uneasy but found none.

"I want to talk to you about something" she whispers looking at her fingers as she is fiddling on her lap.

"Is it about our kiss from earlier," I asked the most common question that must be playing in her mind.

"Yes and something else too." What is that something else? Is she going to say that she doesn't like me that much or like someone else?

"I like you and I would like to kiss those lips in the future. I am not going to give up on you even if you don't like me right now." I tighten my hold around her waist to show her that I am leaving her.

"What if it is dangerous for you?" She mumbles like she only wants me to hear this. Her face turns pale, her eyes roll back and she fell unconscious in my arms.

What in the fucking hell happened right now?

I tap her cheek to wake her up. My heart starts to pound and in a way, I felt like my dream is repeating. Her lifeless body is in my arms, her face pale and her body freezes.

What should I do? My mind is blank and I keep taping her cheek to wake her up.

My shaky hands dial the ambulance but I couldn't say more than her address. I kept repeating save her to the receiver.

"Save her. Save her." My mouth keeps repeating it even when the receiver cuts the call.

A teardrop fell on her pale face, Am I crying. I haven't cried since I show my mom hanging from the ceiling. I fell numb after her death but right now watching Juliet get unconscious, I couldn't stop my tears from falling.

When the hospital staff knocks on the door, I put Juliet carefully on the bed and ran to open the door.

The whole time I held her hand and when the doctors were asking what is my relation with her, I couldn't spell a word.

I just show them my card. They should now start to check up her or I will burn down this hospital to hell in five minutes.

When the doctor came out of the room, I asked him if she is okay.

" She is dehydrated and has low blood pressure." He said and then he added.
"The nurse who changed her was talking about some scars. It is all over her front and back."

He frowns as he puts out her name on the paper. Was she been physically abused in the past? My mind keeps heading back to the party in which her buttons get undone and I saw a dark scar.

The doctor is filling me in with her other situation. She hasn't been eating enough and her body will weaken more if she will not have a proper diet.

A nurse runs towards us and said something to the doctor in a quiet way.

"Mr. Page, the patient is asking for you." I didn't hear anything else, I fasten my steps to her room.

"Don't come near me. Call Elijah right now." Juliet's shout came from inside the room. I open the door loudly to let her see that I am right here. She is shaking and standing in the corner of the room holding a hospital tray as a shield. She slumps her shoulder after she saw me and drops the tray.

A tear drops down from her eye and her posture relaxed. I sign to the nurse to give us some space and she walks out of the room.

I step forward slowly afraid that she might get scared and alert but the opposite happened. She runs into my arms and embraces me. She hides her face in my chest and takes a deep breath.

"I was scared. I thought you leave me here alone." She mumbles, although her face is tucked in my chest, I can hear her properly.

"I'm here, I didn't leave. I was talking to the doctor. Do you want to sit down for a minute." She tightens her hold around my waist showing that she won't take off her hands.

I tangle my fingers in her brunette strands and massage her scalp.

I slowly sit down on the hospital bed and make her sit beside me without taking my hands off her.

"Wanna talk about it." I move back to stroke her soft cheeks.

"It was like a dejá vu " she moved away a little bit and plays with my shirt buttons.

"What happened? You can tell me anything, you know that right?" I cup her face to make her look at me. My fingers caress her eyebrows to lips.

"I will tell you once we will get back home" I nodded still stroking her face. Her expressions turn into a frown.

"Why are your eyelashes longer than mine." Her finger plays with my lashes.

Seriously, the first thing she notices about my face is my lashes. I look at her amusingly and chuckle loudly.

"I can lend you mine if you want." I try to make her laugh. Her frown turns into a pout.

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