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Elijah's POV.

I put down my phone after a long conversation with the guy who is searching for Ben. He finds something, finally. He got the location of his last motel. I was shocked to find it is not so far away from Julia's previous residence. I gave an alert to my bodyguards to search the motel and get as much information as he can to get that bastard a signal that he is not that smart.

The study room is silent as I type the address of the motel. The door opens and enters Mrs. Bella with a phone in her hand.

I am sitting on my desk at my house so I don't have to worry about Julia. I can check on her any time I want.

I give her a sign to put the phone on the desk and get back on the talk with the guards.

She is shaking and her forehead is damp with sweat. What happened? I pull myself out from the chair.

I took the phone from her hand to put it on speaker as it has a voice message playing in the background.

My heart stops at the voice of Julia.

"Bella, I am leaving. Don't tell Elijah yet. " her voice stops as she weeps silently. What the fuck is going on here?

She was fine yesterday when I went to her room to give her meds.

"I want you to take care of him. I left my phone behind so don't try to call me." The beep sound follows as the voice stops. My legs gave out and I lost my balance and fall on the floor.

I don't know what is happening to me but my surrounding is numb. Mrs. Bella is saying something but I literally can't hear anything. I was frightened that this day would come when she will leave me.

A hand shook my shoulder. I look up to find Mrs. Bella begging me to get myself together. How can I get myself together when she is not here. I blink back my tears. What happened to her that she took this step.

I snap out of my reverie when the message plays again as this time her sobs tear my heart. What make her cry like this? If the reason is me then I swear to god, I failed my life. I fucking left her alone.

My hands automatically made their into my hairs tugging it as it again reminds me that Julia told me I do it when I'm nervous or frustrated. My eyes turn all over my office as I found different things that were not there before. There is a first aid box in the last cabinet. Julia always scolds me to have one with me, first aid box helps you in immediate situations.

The room began to feel suffocating as I recall her memories. Mrs. Bella leaves as I order her to give me some alone time. I don't want to be alone, I want my Julia back. I want her to sit in front of me and slap me on my face to get my senses back.
It's your fault. You left her alone first. This is all that you do. You left people alone when they need you the most. First, you didn't pay attention to your mother's condition, and now when Julie needed you, you left her alone.

Negative thoughts started to play on my mind like a depressing song and I knew that the nightmares are going to come back but this time they come with enough force to leave me speechless.

The scenes of my Mom hanging from the fan returns with the face of Julia begging me to save her.

Her begging to stay with her when she falls ill replayed. Why didn't I paid attention to her? I just wanted to catch Ben that I forget my Julia for whom I was doing all of these things.

My eyes fell on the papers that are already on the ground. I don't remember if I put them there.

I reach out for them to see the envelope Ben send me while threatening me was opened with two of the photos slipped out of it.

I frown, but then it disappeared when the voice mail again start. She pleaded Bella to take care of me but what about me? Why didn't she talk to me about it?

I stand up from the ground and frantically find my phone to check if she left me any voice mails.

My phone did chime for an incoming message but I didn't open it because Julia doesn't use her phone that much if she wants to talk or want to meet she just send a missed call.

The message box was empty but I got a voice message and it was from Julia.

My heart pounds when I open her mail.

Tears run freely down my face after hearing her message. Why? What do you want me to do after you say this?

" I love you " Her voice was rough like she cried for hours before sending this message.

My whole body was left numb. She left me.

My eyes didn't leave my phone as I repeated her message like a thousand times. I guess I did fail her.

My tears are not stopping like they are not listening to me. They are just falling into endless pain. It's been eight years since I've cried like this.

I don't want to cry. I harshly wipe my face. Why can't I control them like I always do?

I couldn't stop my fingers as I again for the fifth time replay her message.

What the fuck is wrong with me?

I can find her right? I will not let this happen. I will find her and ask her the reason why she left and I will bring her back even if I have to beg her by sitting on my knees.

I will bring her back.

The worse thing I found in her message was her sob after saying she loves me. She said it like she just realized it now how much she loves me. She has no idea that I am going to fight for her.

I call my guards to take out my car. I won't fail her as I failed you, Mom.

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