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Elijah's POV.

" Luke, Can you send me these tapes? please" Julie begged my dad and I sign again.

"Of course, are you on Instagram? We can talk about his school day. Do you know he cried on his first day of school? Even the principal has to come to his class and call me." She again laughs in her tipsy way.

I swear I would have enjoyed that laugh if these talks were not about me.

I glare at dad as he again starts with another story.

"Dad we should leave now" I make my way towards Julie and help her stand up. She was losing balance by even standing up. Why does dad have to make her this drunk?

"How about you come to visit me again on my birthday? It is on this week." Dad asks her only.

"I would love to come," Julie said and Clap her hands in excitement. She walks forward to dad and grins at him.

"I really had a great time, Luke. Thank you for inviting me." She did something unbelievable. She hugged him. This alcohol will make her cry tomorrow. Sober Juliet never hugs people around her. I guess she is a huggy person but doesn't show it.

"Of course, honey. If you ever feel like coming here, you feel free to come to visit me." Dad returns the hug. This looks like a family. He patted her back as she moves back. When Julie walks ahead, dad looks at me with a smile. It's been years since I've seen a genuine smile.

We bid our goodbye and settle down in the car. When I start the car Julie was staring at me.

"What?" I turn to face her.

"I don't want to sit here" she pointed at her seat then point at my lap and said, " I want to sit there."

What! Is she alright? What did dad mix in her drink? Does she want me to die from shocks today?

" Julie, you can't sit here. I won't be able to drive " I would be too much distracted if you sit on my lap.

"If you won't let me sit there then I am going home, walking." She said and turn to open the door.

"Ok, ok. You can sit here." What do you want to test today? My patience.

She giggles lightly and climbs up on my lap. Her balance fails and she practically falls on me. Oh God, Why?
She is not that heavy actually. I move her legs so she straddles and adjusts on my seat. She curls her hands around my neck and stares at me.

"You are so beautiful." She looks me in the eyes as she stroke my cheek lightly and pouts. I chuckle and put my arms around her too.

"Even your laugh is beautiful. What do you eat Mister to become this much gorgeous" she laughs with me which turns into snorts.

Why is she so adorable? I think I should get her drunker to let out this crazy Juliet.

Her face snuggles on my neck so I start the car. Her finger pokes my chin.

"This mole is sexy but it is evil. It calls me out to kiss him but I can't. What will Elijah think of me?" She pouts again? I can't concentrate on the road if she keeps looking at me with that pout.

"What do you think of Elijah?" I ask her and put my one hand around her waist as my other one is occupied on the steering wheel.

"He is kind to me, he is smart and stupid at the same time. No doubt Handsome. Actually, the most handsome man I've ever seen. " she sits up a little to look in my eye and whisper.
"Don't tell him that okay."

I promise her so she slumps her shoulders and again snuggles herself in my arms.

I stop my car in the small parking lot under her apartment. I turn off the engine and put both my arms around her to give her my full attention.

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