-15- Appa

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~(Y/N)'s POV~

"So, you're the genius behind this incredible brew," Two customers approached Iroh as he handed me a pot of tea, "The whole city is buzzing about you! I hope Pao pays you well."

Iroh smiled, "Good tea is its own reward."

"But it doesn't have to be the only reward," My eyes widened slightly in realization, "How would you like to have your own tea shop?"

Iroh placed his hand on my shoulder, "My own tea shop? This is a dream come true!"

The owner of the shop stepped between us and the men, "What's going on here? Are you trying to poach my tea-maker?"

The man smirked, "Sorry Pao, but that's business for you, am I right?"

The owner spun to face Iroh, "Mushi, if you stay, I'll make you assistant manager. Wait, senior assistant manager!"

"I'll provide you with a new apartment in the Upper Ring," Zuko had taken notice and started approaching us, "The tea shop is yours to do whatever you want, complete creative freedom."

"I even get to name the shop?"

"Of course!"

"Uh, senior executive assistant manager?"

Iroh handed the owner the tea pot that was in my hands, and bowed to the customers, agreeing to their deal.

Iroh pulled Zuko over to us, "Did you hear, nephew? This man wants to give us our own tea shop in the Upper Ring of the city!"

The man smiled, "That's right, young man, your life is about to change for the better!"

Sarcasm dripped from Zuko's voice, "I'll try to contain my joy."

He walked out, slamming the door behind him. The man had a slightly worried look on his face, "Did I say something wrong?"

I smiled, "No, he's just like this sometimes. Wanting more from life and all that testosterone-fueled junk. I'll go see if I can calm him down," I bowed to the men, "Thank you for giving us this wonderful opportunity."

I ran out after Zuko, but lost his trail. My eyes drifted to a poster on the wall. It was a missing poster for Aang's flying bison. I grabbed the poster, This means Aang and his friends are in the city. I just have to hope Zuko didn't see this...

I felt bad for not dropping everything to go try and find the creature. But I wanted to make sure Zuko didn't go back to his old ways. We can be happy here. We can be together and live in the upper ring. We can work in Iroh's tea shop. Have long happy lives.

Sure, I would miss fighting. Sure, I would miss any chance to help end the war. Sure, I would miss the occasional chat with Aang and his friends. But that doesn't matter. It's not like I'm powerful enough to even help end the war. It's not like I could be friends with Aang and his team. It's not like I can do anything.

I got back to the apartment. Iroh was already there, so I began to help him pack. I heard Zuko come in.

"So, I was thinking about names for my new tea shop. How about the Jasmine Dragon? It's dramatic, poetic, has a nice ring to it."

Zuko pulled out one of the posters from before, "The Avatar is here in Ba Sing Se and he's lost his bison."

Iroh stood and grabbed the poster, "We have a chance for a new life here. If you start stirring up trouble, we could lose all the good things that are happening for us."

Zuko turned and lashed out, "Good things that are happening for you! Have you ever thought that I want more from life than a nice apartment and a job serving tea?"

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