-30.5- The Ember Island Players Final Act

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I sat in Aang's old seat beside Zuko. I heard Aang re-enter the theater.

Sokka gave him a recap, "Here's what you missed... we went to the Fire Nation, and you got better, and Katara was the Painted Lady, and I got a sword, and (Y/N) was depressed and sassy, and I think Combustion Man died. Oh, look, the Invasion's about to start! Shhh!"

I watched as Fake Aang and Fake Katara stood on the submarine.

"I just wanted to let you know, Aang, that I'll always love you. Like a brother."

"I wouldn't want it any other way!"

Oh please.

The two actors shook hands. Fake Aang opened her miniature glider and 'flew' off. Fake Katara, My Actress, Fake Toph, and Fake Sokka looked around on top of the submarine.

Fake Sokka turned to Fake Toph, "Hey Toph, would you say you and Aang have a 'rocky relationship'?"

I could hear real Sokka laughing behind me, "I told him to say that!"

"I hope everyone's ready for the Invasion! Slap-a-pow!"

They changed the set to the firelord's palace.

"We finally made it to the Royal Palace, but no one's home!"

Fake Zuko entered the scene, "Actually, I'm home, and I want to join you!"

"Oh Zuko!" I widened my eyes in surprise, this was the first I had heard my actress speak at all. She ran over to him, and threw her arms around him, "I'm so happy you've joined us! Now we can be together! As two childhood lovers!"

I froze in my seat. Heat encased my face. I didn't look over at Zuko, so I don't know his reaction. A small part of me wanted to look and see. But I couldn't tear my eyes away as the two actors performed a stage kiss. You could blatantly tell that their lips didn't touch, but still. The entire thing sent little chills down my spine.

Fake Sokka spoke, waking me up from my trance, "I guess we have no choice. Come on!"

I could hear real Sokka stand up behind me as the cast exited stage, "I guess that's it. The play's caught up to the present now."

Suki pulled him back down, "Wait, the play's not over!"

"But it is over, unless..." Sokka's voice became more dramatic, "This is the future!?"

The scene changed to an Actor meant to portray Firelord Ozai, "With the energy harnessed from that comet, no one will be able to stop... The Fire Nation!"

Fake Azula entered and bowed to her father, "Father, Zuko and the Avatar are at the Palace. They're trying to stop you!"

"You take care of Zuko. I shall face the Avatar myself!" Fake Ozai disappeared behind a smoke screen.

Fake Zuko and Fake Aang entered the scene, "Aang! You find the Fire Lord, I'll hold her off!"

Fake Aang 'flew' offstage.

"You are no longer my brother. You are an enemy!"

"No! I am the rightful heir to the throne!"

"We'll see!"

Fake Azula pulled out a blue streamer and snapped it at Fake Zuko who ducked out of the way. Fake Zuko held two red streamers and jumped to the other side of Fake Azula. He threw his two red streamers at her and Fake Azula jumped over him. Fake Azula raised her hand and five red papers resembling flames shot up from the ground, the last one covering Fake Zuko so that only his silhouette could be seen.

"Honor!" His silhouette was gone.

Fake Azula bowed to the cheering audience.

"So, you have mastered all four elements?"

Fake Aang pointed at Fake Ozai, "Yeah, and now you're going down!"

"No! It is you who are going down! You see, you are too late! The comet is already here, and I'm unstoppable!"

Fake Ozai wielded two red streamers. He attacks Fake Aang, who jumped out of the way. Fake Aang opened her glider, she twirled the weapon as two blue banners dangled off. Fake Ozai circled his streamers while Fake Aang jumped over him with the help of a rope. She tried to get close to Fake Ozai, but Fake Ozai made her back away using his red streamers. Fake Aang jumped over Fake Ozai, who fired a stream of red streamers at her. When Fake Aang lands, Fake Ozai sends a large red sheet painted as fire at her.

The fake Aang was wrapped in the sheet, "Noooo!!!" She fell down, eyes closed.

Enter Actress Azula, "It is over, Father. We've done it!"

"Yes! We have done it! The dreams of my father, and my father's father, have now been realized! The world... is... mine!"

The crowd erupted in applause.

"That... wasn't a good play."

I kept my eyes on the ground below, "Understatement of the century."

Aang was next to speak, "I'll say."

Katara grimaced, "No kidding."


"You said it."

Sokka shrugged, "But the effects were decent!"

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