What Are You Doing Here?

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A/N: I couldn't decide which view I liked this chapter from better so I did both. I'll rarely do this unless I can't get it to seamlessly blend.

Ben walks briskly down the sidewalk to work Monday morning, his hands in his pocket, and the flaps of his charcoal peacoat folded up to break the chill of the cold November wind.  Rey had never texted or called him last night and he is almost embarrassed to admit that he was disappointed by that and had slept like shit because of it too. His phone buzzes in his pocket and he pulls it out to look at it with a glimmer of hope that it's her, only to be met by an unknown number.

Unknown: Good morning Mr.Solo, I will be at the office soon, would you like me to pick up coffee for you?

From the sound of the text, he assumes this is his new assistant and decides to overlook her inability to introduce herself properly.

Ben: yes, venti black, one pack of sugar. Thank you

Unknown: sounds great :) see you soon

He studies the smiley face for a moment. 'What professional adult uses emojis in texts to their boss?'

Ben arrives at the office, early as usual. He strips his coat off and sits down at his desk for the first time since he left to visit his Mother following her last day at work the previous Tuesday. She had wanted him to come to visit so she could go over some final things with him before signing the company over, but he quickly figured out it was just a ploy to get him to actually visit her. From the rate at which his phone was ringing while he was gone though, he was sure that there would be an alarming number of emails waiting for him.

A knock at the door draws his attention, and the door opens, letting in the hum of the main office outside of his private office.

"How can I help you?" Ben asks once the door is closed again and the room is quiet, still not looking up and aimlessly flipping through emails.

"Ben?" The person says and he looks up, startled to spot Rey. He nearly tips his chair over from standing up so fast at the sight of her and reaches to catch it behind him. She had haunted him from the moment he saw her yesterday in the security line. She was so gorgeous that he knew he needed to talk to her, but then, when he did, he realized just how attracted to her personality he was too. For the entire flight, the entire drive home, and the entire night, Rey in her leggings and fitting running jacket that accentuated her thin waist were all he could think about. Now she stood in front of him, holding a coffee for him, in a long-sleeve heather grey dress that ended mid-thigh, heeled black ankle boots, and black pantyhose that made him almost glad he had a computer to hide behind.

"What are you doing here?" He asks as he rakes his hand through his hair and tries to compose himself.

"What are you doing here?" She retorts, looking frantically around his office.

"I asked you first." He says as he removes his thick-framed computer glasses and sets them on the desk.

"I'm the new PA, for Mr.Solo. I thought this was his office."

"Him in the flesh," Ben says as he holds his arms up. "I'm assuming you're the Rey my mother is always talking about. For some reason, I always assumed you were a man."

"Um okay?" She responds, raising her right eyebrow.

"Oh, don't be offended by that. I thought my mother was saying Ray, as in R-A-Y."

"Your mother and I would go get our nails done together. I heard her tell you I was with once when you called while we were at the salon."

"Some men get their nails done right?" Ben fumbles and immediately curses himself for his idiocy.

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