You'd Be Amazed

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*two weeks later*

"What do you mean you lost her?" Ben yells as he paces back and forth in his office at Alderaan publishing. Vicrul stands in front of him, his hands clasped in front of him, as he watches Ben pace.

"She's small and sneaky," Vicrul responds.

"Your fucking kidding me right?" Ben yells as he leans forward on his desk, the veins in his neck popping out. "You are a professional hitman and an untrained girl, half of your size was able to get away from you?"

"I'm sorry Ben, she snuck out sometime this morning," Vicrul mumbles.

"Oh, you're sorry? What is that going to fix?" Vicrul just stares at him, knowing that the question is rhetorical and Ben doesn't want an answer. Ben runs his hands back through his hair, clenching his hands halfway through and tugging on the fistful of hair.  "Prepare my car," Ben snaps and storms out of the office and to the elevator nearly running Finn over in the process.

By the time Ben reaches the lobby downstairs, the car is already sitting there waiting for him and he gets in slamming the door and not waiting for Kuruk to get in behind him. He snaps at the driver, giving him the address to Rey's apartment and pulls his phone out to try calling her.

They had returned a week ago, and the reporters had laid off a touch, leaving them alone for the most part, but they had still been staying out of the public eye. Ben did admit though that Rey had been acting strange, which had just seemed to keep getting worse every day. He was under the assumption that it had something to do with him revealing everything to her, but she had continued to reassure him and make sure he knew that he wasn't scaring her away, so where the hell is she?

The driver stops in front of her apartment in Brooklynn, and Ben opens the door nearly before the car is in park. Using the spare key they had made months ago, he opens the door to her apartment to find it mostly empty as they had left it. Her furniture is still here, but all of the personal touches had since been moved and brought to his condo.

Ben walks through the apartment, looking for any clues that she might have been here and stops in the bathroom to see if there is any evidence of water. The sink has a slight shine to it which shows him that she had been here and used the sink, but her location on her phone is off so he doesn't know if she's close still.

Before turning the bathroom light off, he glances at the room one more time, noticing a box in the trash can. He crouches down, picking the box up and removing the long skinny piece of plastic with a blue end. There's a small screen on it that reads contains two small red lines.

'Shit, that's why she was acting weird and she kept bringing up kids. She knew and I kept saying I didn't want them, so she ran.'

"Damn it!" Ben yells and punches the door to the bathroom that is resting open on the wall. It shutters from the collision and leaves a small hole in the wall where the lock pressed into the drywall.

He pulls his phone out and calls her, but the dial tone keeps ringing until he gets her voicemail. He tries three more times but gives up.

Ben storms through his condo an hour later, taking stock of everything that is missing including her suitcase, her favorite clothes, her passport, and even his book that he had gifted her. Chewie follows him curiously as he paces around the condo, continuously trying to call her cell and seeing if she has opened his text messages yet.

His phone buzzes in his pocket and he pulls it out, hoping it's Rey, but sees Vicruls name instead.

"What?" He snaps.

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