This Is Too Much

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*one month later*

Rey and Ben sit quietly in the backseat of the car on the way to a lunch with someone who Ben had disclosed the name of. Ben hadn't told Rey much, just that he needed her to not say much during lunch and that he would handle it all.

At this point, they have been together for a little under two months, and Rey has been continuing the process of slowly moving in by bringing her stuff over and just never taking it back to her place. Ben has even opened up part of his closet for her to start hanging clothes in, and the maid even picks up her clothes and washes them for her too.

It's a toss-up which one is happier that she is there all the time between Ben and Chewie. For one, Ben always lights up when he comes home to find her there, but Chewie is like her shadow, and rarely leaves her alone making it clear he much prefers Rey over Ben.

Finn and Rose have assimilated into their own relationship pattern, so she doesn't see them much either as they're also in the honeymoon phase and spend all of their free time together. Rose has been begging for a double date, but Finn and Ben have consistently resisted that idea and made it hard to plan anything.

Ben holds the door for her to walk into the restaurant that is in the first level of Star Hotel and Rey looks at the decor surrounding her. This place is different than all of the other places they had met others for lunch, it isn't light and classy, instead, the walls are dark, the lights are low, and the furniture is all dark red and black. Especially with the tinted windows, it doesn't even feel like day time anymore despite it being shortly before noon.

They approach a table with two men sitting at it, one young and wearing red like Snoke's assistant the second day she was on the job, and the other man is short with wrinkly brown skin.

"Jabba," Ben says as they take a seat on one side of the table facing the other two men. Rey eyes up the assistant noticing his pointed face, his eerily similar appearance to Snoke's assistant, and the same hexagon insignia on a pin on the lapel of his jacket.

"Ah Solo," the man says, drawing his name out and taking a long drink as he eyes up Rey. "And Ms. Palpatine."

Rey turns her head quickly, looking up at Ben startled by this stranger knowing her name. "You wanted to talk," Ben says to Jabba without looking back down at Rey.

"Yes, it's to my understanding that your father, Han Solo has resurfaced."

Ben sits back, resting his arm on the back of his chair and studying Jabba. "I haven't heard from my father in years."

"From my records, he turned up at the beginning of December," Jabba pushes. Rey looks straight ahead at him, trying not to react, and Ben's jaw clenches.

"And what makes you think that?" Ben says cooly and Rey can feel her heart trying to thud out of her chest.

"If I recall correctly, Snoke recently reminded you, that we have eyes everywhere. You don't move without us knowing."

"You spying on me?"

Jabba's face curls up in a sly smile as he turns and looks at Rey again, his green, almost yellow eyes causing Rey to gulp and advert her own eyes.

"How is it working for Ben Ms.Palaptine?"

"It's great thank you," Rey says timidly.

"I'm sure you're a valuable asset to them, knowing all of the family secrets along with some of your own."

"I'm sorry?" Rey says, unsure of what he is referring to.

"After working for Leia for four years and then coming to work for Ben two months ago, I can only assume you're privy to quite a bit of information."

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