You know?

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*four weeks later*

Rey sits on the chair looking out at the street below her. Since taking the pregnancy test, she had packed up and vacated back to Chicago and was currently living in Poe and Zori's apartment, sleeping on an old sleeper sofa in their spare room. Her parents didn't know she was back in the area, and she didn't have any intention of telling them for a while because she knew her dad was going to flip out when he found out what brought her back.  Rey is aware of her dad's dislike for Ben even she didn't understand completely what it was rooted in.  

Ben has been adamant he didn't want a family anytime soon, so the minute the test showed up positive, she ran. She knew it was maybe not the best choice, but she didn't know what else to do. The idea of telling him and seeing the mixed reaction on his face killed her, and she knew she couldn't deal with it.

Rose and Finn had been checking in with her pretty consistently over FaceTime and keeping her updated on the happenings in New York. Apparently, Ben had shown up at Rose's door a week after she had left. They had invited him in and he had told them he came to Chicago to look for her with no luck but they had lied and said they didn't know where she was.

"Rey, I'm going run and grab food, you want something?" Poe asks as he leans against the doorframe of the spare room, breaking Rey out of her thoughts.

"Yeah, whatever you think looks good," Rey says, not lifting her head from where it rests on the chair.

"I'll be back soon, Zori is just waking up," he says and walks down the hallway, leaving the door open.

She misses Ben like no other and there were so many nights that she almost broke down and called him, but she knew how he was going to react and she didn't want to deal with the heartbreak. Going dark and blocking him was the only reasonable option in her mind, and that way, she had time to figure out what to do. Leaving him in the dark a little longer would be fine.

Poe stands in line at the cafe down the street, waiting for the lady in front of him to get her crap together and place her order, but she just keeps asking for the nutritional value of each item. Rey has been held up in his and Zori's apartment recently and he was glad he was able to help her out, but her stubbornness had been grinding on him.

They had gotten into multiple fights already because Poe insisted that she call Ben, telling her that he deserved to know and that her leaving him in the dark wasn't fair. Rey obviously didn't like that, telling Poe that she needed to decide what to do, because she knew she wanted a family and Ben didn't.

"Excuse me," a man's voice says from the side of him and he turns to see a tall man with his black hair swept back off his face, wearing a black Carhartt sweatshirt and jeans.

"Can I help you?" Poe asks as he turns to the stranger, sizing him up.

"Pardon me if I'm mistaken, but are you Poe Dameron?"

"Depends who's asking," Poe responds, sizing the man up, unable to place why he's familiar.

"I'm Ben Solo, you're friends with my girlfriend Rey," he says as he outstretches his hand.

"Oh my god," Poe marvels as he takes Ben's hand and shakes it.

"Do you know where she is by chance? I've been trying to get ahold of her for a few weeks."

"I know exactly where she is," Poe responds and motions for Ben to follow him, knowing this is his opportunity to make Rey stop being stubborn.

Zori had come out of their bedroom a few minutes ago, stopped in Rey's room to say hi, and then went out to the living room where she now plays games on her phone. Poe had given Rey lectures about how she needed to talk to Ben, but she really didn't want to hear it. Zori on the other hand had thankfully left her alone and actually defended her when Poe got too worked up.

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