Is That What I Am?

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A/N: Our lovebirds are happy! Yay! I've written some fluff in now so we can enjoy happy Reylo, so enjoy! 

Rey wakes up in a semi-comfortable bed, confused momentarily about where she is and looks around. She immediately snuggles back into Ben, who has one arm under her pillow and the other draped across her, completely immobilizing her under the weight. She remembers almost all of last night, even their conversation in the car, and then waking up, but nothing in between.

She reaches out and grabs Ben's hand, testing if he's awake, and lacing her small fingers in his. "Morning," she whispers as he inhales sharply and closes his hands around hers as he wakes up.

"Nooo," he groans as he hides in her hair and wraps his arms around her.

"How embarrassing was I last night?"

"You weren't embarrassing, just very social and energetic up until the moment I put you in the car. You crashed out then," he laughs into her neck.

"Okay good."

"How do you feel?" He asks as he kisses her shoulder and she feels the same butterflies that have been making permanent residence in her stomach.

"Not great, not awful."

"Well you haven't stood up yet, that could change," he points out. "Why don't you go shower and I'll go get you a Gatorade and some food from downstairs."

Rey rolls over, tucking her bottom arm against her and wrapping her other arm up and around Ben's neck and into his hair. "You're the best boyfriend," she smiles and kisses him.

"Is that what I am then?"

"What?" Rey raises her eyebrow.

"Your boyfriend," he repeats, his relaxed face causing his lips to fall into a small pout.

Rey's face curls into a huge smile and Ben can't help but smile back at her, tightening his arms around her. "I would like you to be," she says.

"Good," Ben kisses her quickly. "Because I want you to be my girlfriend."

"Don't those terms sound a little childish?" 

"Well if I call you my woman friend, that just sounds like I'm having an affair with a married woman," Ben says as he tickles her lightly.

"True," she agrees and rolls towards the edge of the bed and gets up. "You know, we could just save water and shower together and then go get breakfast afterward."

"Don't have to ask me twice," ben says as he rolls towards her and scoops her up on his way to the bathroom.


"You ready for this?" Rey asks as she stands with Ben behind a row of books, hidden from the attendees of the book reading. He lifts his chin as she reaches up to straighten his tie and fix his collar as he fiddles with the sleeves he has rolled up on his arms.

"Thank you," he whispers as she runs her hand across his shoulders to straighten the fabric out and then looks up at him.

"You'll be great," she says and stands on her tiptoes to give him a kiss.

"How's your head?" Ben smiles down at her while pushing a chunk of hair that has escaped her bun behind her ear.

"It's tolerable now that I've drunk my body weight in coffee and Gatorade," Rey says as she crinkles her nose up at Ben.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know this was going to happen," he laughs and motions at her. After their shower this morning, she had actually ended up throwing up what was left in her stomach. At that point, Ben went into nurse mode and had been trying to take care of her the best he could by requiring her to eat absorbent foods and drink copious amounts of liquids.

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