This Again?

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Rey wakes up in Ben's room alone Monday morning, the light streaming in the curved windows around her that lead all the way up the wall. The dark duvet nearly had her consumed, and she fights to flip it back, revealing Chewie laying on top of the covers in Ben's spot.

"Morning Boy," she whispers as she reaches out to pet him, and he crawls up to lay next to her. Rey leans back on the headboard, looking at the city in the soft morning light sprawling for miles in front of her. 'How does someone get used to living like this?'

Rey stretches, taking in one more look at the city and gets up, grabbing Ben's robe that she had stolen last night and throwing it over herself. She walks quietly down the hallway as Chewie runs ahead of her. "Well hi," she hears Ben say as she gets closer. "Is your new favorite person awake? Is that why you're here? I know I don't matter when she's around now."

Rey smiles at him as she walks towards him sitting at the counter, sipping on coffee, and working on his laptop. "It's 5 am, why are you working?" She whispers in his ear as she comes up behind him and wraps her arms around him. He sits on a stool and is at a much more manageable height for her so she is able to rest her chin on his shoulder.

"I couldn't sleep," he sighs as he leans his head against hers.

"Come back to bed," she whispers as she swipes her hand across his chest and nuzzles into his neck.

"I'm not going to be able to sleep anymore."

"Who said anything about sleep?"

"Oh," Ben says as he closes his laptop. "Okay," he says quickly, spinning on his stool and throwing her over his shoulder. "Chewie stay," he orders and points at the dog.

"Ben!" Rey giggles as he walks down the hallway enthusiastically, slapping her butt with his hand. Ben kicks the door to the bedroom shut behind him and throws her back onto the unmade bed.


On the walk to work, Rey and Ben stopped together to grab a coffee, and Rey basked in the feeling of excitement of getting to grab coffee with him instead of for him. They made sure to keep their distance, as they had decided to not flaunt their relationship in front of everyone, but she still could at least look at him.

Ben on the other hand, intentionally had to make sure he didn't look at Rey because when he did, all he wanted to do was touch her, especially because she was wearing those tight black dress pants with the leather accent down the side again with a different dark printed blouse, that thankfully came up to her neck and wasn't sheer this time.

As they board the elevator, Ben holds down the 'close door' button to make sure no one gets on with them. The second the door is closed, Ben pulls her to him. "One more," he whispers and then kisses her, pushing her against the wall, slipping his tongue into her mouth, and pushing his hands under her tan peacoat. Rey can hear the beeps of the quickly rising floors, and can feel her heart rate raising the closer they get at the idea of them getting caught.

He pulls away with just enough time for them to return to normal and adjust their clothes before the doors open. She follows behind him a few steps as he turns into his office, unlocking the door and closing it behind him, and she goes to her desk.

Ben quickly takes his coat off and unpacks his bag in his office, watching Rey as she does the same and talks to Finn. 'What is she telling him about the weekend?' he wonders as he checks his wallet to make sure he had the money for Hux. Rey had already told him it was fine to tell Hux purely because she wanted to know his reaction so that was the first thing he intended to do this morning.

Walking out of his office, he looks at Rey where she sits and winks at her. She doesn't break conversation with Finn, but she smiles and he can feel her eyes on him as he walks to Hux's office.

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