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"How many times has he called?" Ben asks as he paces back and forth in the room in front of Rey, Vicrul and Kuruk standing to the side, their arms crossed and faces blank.

"My dad has called at least 10 times a day, probably more," Rey explains, leaning forward and looking at her now powered down phone on the coffee table. 

"How many times has your mom called?" Ben asks.

"Just once."

"Just once?" Ben stops and puts his hands on his hips, staring down at her. "Yes."

"And you answered?!"

"I did, but it was accidental," Rey points out.

"But you answered," he repeats and throws his hands in the air in frustration before raking his fingers back through his hair. "Your dad is probably on his way here right now."

"You don't know that," Rey argues.

"I don't know that? Guys, what do you think?" He turns and looks at the two men standing on the side of the room who won't want to make eye contact with him. Rey notes how their expression and posture resemble that of Chewie whenever he's in trouble and Ben gets home to scold him.

"I..." Vicrul trails off.

"I mean probably," Kuruk shrugs, not wanting to be stuck in the middle of their argument. "Our tracking blocks only work until you make direct contact with the person attempting to track you.

"We need to leave," Ben runs his hands back through his hair. "From your parent's house, it is only two hours. We have three hours if he's downtown."

"We've barely been here a week and we're leaving already?!" Rey raises her voice a little.

"We can't stay here! You just comprised the hideout and completely negated the point of having it." He yells back.

"Where will we go?" Rey asks.


Rey raises her eyebrows at him out of confusion, her mouth hanging open like she's trying to find words but her mind is incapable of forming a coherent sentence.


"You do realize they can find us there," Rey states, and Ben rolls his eyes.

"Let them," Ben shrugs. "What proof do they have?"

"My dad SAW me!" Rey yells.

"Do you really think he'd turn his daughter in? He's so protective of you."

"Maybe not me, but he didn't even want us together, so what do you think he'll do with you?"

"He doesn't know I was there."

"You lost your phone somewhere in the building, you really don't think they know you were there?"

"Guess we'll have to find out, we can't avoid your father forever Rey. You're my fiancé after all."

"You don't say?"

Ben shoots a look at her, "your sarcasm isn't helpful."

"Neither is you yelling at me."

"Can we not do this?" Ben snaps and Vicrul turns slowly to look at Kuruk, his eyes bugged out and mouth pinched in a tight line.

"You started it," Rey mumbles and crosses her arms.

"Oh my god," Ben sighs and squeezes his eyes shut as he ruffles his hair again. "Let's get packed, we're going home."

"Fine," Rey mumbles and storms out of the room, leaving the three men behind, all of them exchanging looks before Ben follows her back up the stairs.

Moment of WeaknessWhere stories live. Discover now