Not Now

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*four months later*

"So you're living together and he has hired two bodyguards to follow you everywhere, but you haven't exchanged the L-Word?" Rose asks from across the table.

"I thought he was going to multiple times, but it just hasn't happened," Rey shrugs as she sips on her drink.

"Just seems a little backward."

"I guess," Rey humors her. "I try not to fixate on it."

"You're happy though right?" Rose peers at her through her thick-framed glasses.

"Oh of course," Rey says quickly. "It really doesn't matter to me that he hasn't said it yet, because by the way he treats me, I can tell he does. Like I wish he would just say it because it would put my mind at ease but it's not the end of the world."

"I feel like he's a tough one to figure out. He's very serious whenever I'm around and Finn tells me all about how he is at work."

"He's a hard one to crack for sure, but I've somehow unlocked this side of him that is so gentle and caring. I can even get him to loosen up sometimes and he becomes so goofy."

"That's an odd picture," Rose laughs and looks up at the two guys sitting at the table a few down from them. Because they were going out over shift change, Vicrul and Cardo had both stayed to keep the other company while Rey and Rose had a girl's night. "Remind me of the names of the lords of darkness over there."

"That one is Vicrul," Rey says as she points to the slim man with curly hair. "And that one's Cardo."

"God I wish I had two men the likes of them following me around," Rose says as she fans herself.

"You have Finn," Rey points out.

"Yes, but you have Ben plus a set of eye candy on top of it," she winks. Rey laughs with her and turns back to her drink, swirling it around in the glass. "Have you two at least talked about the big things?"

"What do you mean?" Rey cocks her head to the side.

"Like marriage, kids, beliefs in general. Ya know, the things that can make or break a relationship," Rose says, her face more serious.

"No, we haven't," Rey admits, looking down at the tabletop. "Have you and Finn?"

"Yeah we have," she smiles. "I think our timelines are a little off because I like to take things slow, but our views of what we want line up almost exactly."

"Well that's good," Rey smiles at her, trying to ignore the feeling of anxiety growing in her now that Rose has pointed this out.

"Don't stress about it, you two are so good together, I'm sure it'll be fine," Rose assures her.

"Yeah," Rey mumbles and shifts in her seat.

After leaving the bar in Brooklyn, Rey rides back to the condo in Manhattan with Vicrul and Cardo both accompanying her. Over the last four months, these two have almost become like friends to her even though she can't get them to tell her any personal information. She can at least get them to joke with her and hold conversations with her which is better than nothing.

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