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A/N: Double Posting today because this is just a fluffy fun chapter

Rey follows Ben into the office the following morning after her four-week hiatus. Some of the others in the office just stare at her as she walks to her desk and Rey keeps her head down so she doesn't accidentally make eye contact with them.

"Well, there she is," Finn says with a smile as she unpacks her bag at her desk. "I've missed you," he adds as he stands up to give her a hug.

"You still heard from me," Rey points out and sits down in her chair.

"It's not the same thing," Finn explains and sits back down. "Plus, the temp that's been here in your place is unbearable."

"Don't worry, you only have to suffer through a couple more hours with her, and then she's gone."

"Whyyyyy?" Finn wines as he leans back in his chair and throws his head back.

"After her meeting with Solo, she'll just need to pass all of the information that I missed off to me, then she'll be on her way."

"Thank god," Finn mumbles as turns to his computer.

Rey clicks her computer on and readjusts everything on her desk that has been moved by the temp PA in her absence. She had to admit, there was a big part of her that actually missed working during those weeks and she was glad to be back in the office.

"Excuse me you're at my desk," a high pitched voice with a tone says from behind her. Rey turns to find a girl with short hair that is barely being contained in a ponytail wearing an ill-fitting A-line dress and sweater overtop of it.

"I'm Rey," she says as she stands up and offers her hand to the girl who stares at her disapprovingly sizing her up. "I'm guessing you were Mr.Solo's temp in my absence."

"Yes, I am Ben's temp," she replies and Rey raises her eyebrow at her calling him Ben and refusing to introduce herself in return.

"Anyways, we should go meet with Mr.Solo," Rey says as Ben catches her eye from the office and motions for them both to come in.

The girl sighs and drops all of her stuff on top of Rey's desk, knocking over her coffee which Rey moves quickly to grab before it spills. The girl turns on her heels and storms into Ben's office leaving Rey to clean up the mess she just made with her huge bag without even a simple "I'm sorry".

"Well she's just a peach isn't she?" Rey says as she collects her items and moves the girl's stuff to the floor and hook.

"Told you," Finn mumbles.

Rey closes the door to Ben's office where the girl is already sitting on one of the armchairs. "Yes I know Hannah," Ben sighs and rests his head on his fingertips, leaning back in his chair.

"So what am I supposed to do?" She asks and Rey almost cringes at the whiny sound in her voice.

"I already contacted the temp agency, they know today is your last day. You'll be paid for the day and then you'll need to report to them tomorrow for your next assignment."

"Well this is just great," Hannah says as she throws her hands up.

"You've been a great help in Ms.Palpatines absence, but she is back now so I'll need you to hand everything off for her to take back over."

Hannah's eyes flick up to Rey's and she stares Rey down, once again making a disapproving look as she looks at Rey's pristine designer outfit. "Fine," Hannah rolls her eyes.

"What's on my schedule for the day?" Ben asks.

Rey opens her tablet up quickly before Hannah has a chance to open her loaner tablet and starts reading it off. "It looks as though you have a conference call at 10, a lunch meeting at noon, and then your afternoon is open."

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