Keep It Professional

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Ben sits at his desk Monday morning drumming his fingers on the desktop and staring at Rey's empty desk. He tried to think of every excuse to message her this weekend, but nothing seemed legitimate enough to not make him feel extremely stupid pop. 'What is it about her? Why does she make me feel like a giddy middle schooler that doesn't know how to talk to girls?'

He still wasn't sleeping well,  especially not after Friday so he was running on pure caffeine after two weeks of inconsistent sleep. Every time he closed his eyes, all he could see were her hazel eyes looking at him begging for him to kiss her. He could still practically smell her perfume and feel how tiny she had been wrapped in his arms as they swayed to the music.

The door to his office opens and he looks up, hoping it's Rey but is disappointed to see Hux standing there.

"Solo, I need that manuscript back," Hux sputters in his thick English accent as he marches to Bens desk. "What happened to you? You look like shit."

"Good morning to you too Jack Ass," Ben mumbles as he sits forward and digs for the manuscript in the piles that litter his desk.

"Too much time partying this weekend?" Hux grins as he sits in a chair and crosses his legs. "Meet any hot chicks?"

"No Hux." Ben rolls his eyes.

"You positive? The only time I look half as bad as you do right now is when I have long, hot..."

"You know what?" Ben interrupts. "I'm going to stop you because I really don't need to hear the end of that sentence."

"You're such a goody goody some days. You need to come back out with Pryde and I so we can teach you how to have a good time again."

Ben's office door opens, letting in the hum of the exterior office again and he looks up. The sight of Rey entering in a black plaid skirt, knee-high boots, and a charcoal grey sweater makes his heart leap a little and he fights a smile.

"Good morning Mr.Solo, good morning Mr.Hux," Rey says as she walks to Ben's desk and hands him his coffee before stepping back at an angle. Ben watches Hux while he gawks at her as she leans over the desk and Ben clears his throat to get Huxs attention away from her.

"I'm impressed, you've made it to the two-week mark and he hasn't caused you to go running the other direction," Hux says, his eyes going back to raking up and down her body, moving especially slow on her legs.

"He's really not that bad," Rey assures him with a twinkle in her eye as she looks up at Ben and he fights a smile in response.

Ben clears his throat quickly again before speaking. "Can you come back for our morning meeting once Hux and I are done?"

"Absolutely," she smiles. "Can I get either of you anything."

"No thank you," Ben says.

"Actually yes, can you have a Fiji waiting for me when I leave?" Hux says watching her ass as she walks away and Ben rolls his eyes at him.

"I'll go get it now," Rey agrees and closes the door.

"So that's what you were doing with your weekend." Hux laughs and crosses his arms as he turns forward in the chair.

"What?" Ben questions, kicking his feet up on the desk and looking at Hux fighting his cheeks that are trying to give him away. They weren't best friends by any means, but he and Hux had always gotten along well enough that they could still have guy talk that they couldn't have with the female editors.

"You know," he says as he makes a grinding motion with his hips.

"I'm not sleeping with her," Ben laughs.

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