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A/N: Hi all! Before we keep rolling in the story, I just want to take a moment to remind everyone that we're in AU land and I don't always stick to storylines and concepts that are Canon :) This wasn't prompted by anyone or any comments, so don't worry, I just noticed last night while writing how many different characters I bring into this, and wanted to put a little disclaimer out there.

I Hope y'all are enjoying the story, as always, thank you to those who vote and comment on each chapter! There will be a special shout out for all of you in later Author Notes!

The car stops in front of a beautiful white farmhouse surrounded by trees and decorated with festive evergreen wreaths with red ribbons. The previous three years, Rey has spent Christmas Eve day with Leia making Christmas cookies since Ben rarely came home for Holidays, and then Rey would travel the rest of the way that evening to her parent's house to spend Christmas Day with them. This year though, they both decided to surprise Leia and would be spending Christmas Eve with her before they both traveled to Rey's parents the next morning. 

"Knock knock," Ben yells as he opens the door to his mother's house and they step in with the small carryon bags that they brought for the one evening back in Illinois.

"Ben?" Leia questions as she comes around the corner into the foyer wearing her plaid Christmas apron. "Oh my gosh, I'm dreaming," she says as she fights tears walking towards him and brings Ben down to her level for a hug, wrapping her arms tightly around his broad shoulder. Rey watches as Ben smiles and squeezes his eyes shut in response to the affection from his mother. "You are a miracle worker," Leia coos as she turns to Rey and hugs her as well.

"It was actually his idea, we're going to my parents tomorrow," Rey explains shrugging her coat off and hanging it on a hook.

"Oh I'm so happy," she smiles and cups Bens cheek again and Rey notices how much he melts into her touch again. "Well come with me, you two can help me with the cookies," Leia says as she turns and wipes the small tears away that have formed under her glasses.

"Rey, you want to make your sugar cookies for me again? They always turn out better than mine." Leia says as she hands an apron to both of them as they walk into the kitchen. There's bowls and drying racks everywhere, signifying just how long Leia has been cooking along with the warm, sweet smell of the cookies in the oven. 

"Of course," Rey agrees as she ties the apron around herself, smirking at the site of Ben wrapping a small blue apron around his waist. 

"I made the spritz and bratzelis already, I just need you to help me frost the first batch of sugar cookies I made while Rey makes the rest," Leia points at Ben and he rolls his sweater sleeves up.

Leia tells them all about her group of friends and how they were working to change some of the ridiculous policies regarding their lawns through the HOA while they work on the cookie, barely leaving room for anyone else to get a word in. Ben watches Rey, barely listening to his mom, and observing how attractive Rey looks in her blue sweater while mixing everything together making her look very domestic. He had learned she wasn't much of a cook, but apparently baking was more her wheelhouse and she naturally flew through the steps of mixing up the cookies without a recipe.

"I'll be right back," Leia announces as her phone rings and leaves the room.

As soon as she's gone, Ben goes over to Rey and wraps his arms around her from behind, resting his chin on her shoulder and tickling her neck with his breath intentionally. "You're kind of hot when you're baking."

"Oh?" She laughs.

"Oh yeah," he whispers and turns her to him.

"You're good at being distracting," she whispers with her flour covered hands up in the air and he leans down to kiss her.

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