Chapter 3

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Show three: Miami

My heart is broken.

I haven't spoken to Lauren since she told me about this guy she has been secretly dating.

She has no idea why I've been distancing myself from her but I just feel utterly broken. Both my heart and soul has been shattered into a million tiny pieces and I have no idea how I'm going to put it back together.

I told Dinah and she has stayed by my side since, only leaving to go to the bathroom and even then she is hesitant to do so.

Lauren has been trying to talk to me and I really don't mean to ignore her since she has no idea about my feelings for her. I think that is what broken me the most.

She hasn't noticed my love for her no matter how hard I tried to get her to see it. I know that if I had the chance, Lauren would see that I could love her better than anybody.

Its hard, to see that smile on her face whilst she is texting as I now know who is causing her to grin.

It should be me who is making her smile like that and blush furiously.

Maybe Lauren and I aren't meant to be? Maybe I should try and get over Lauren and just let her be happy.


We had a major flirting session over twitter and our texts are similar.

She likes me, she even asked me out a few times and every time I had refused because of Lauren.

But now, maybe Ariana could be good for me? Not just to help me get over Lauren but because she is a great friend and listens to me.

Ariana is beautiful, inside and out. She is everything that somebody would want as a girlfriend.

"Yo Mils!" I jump at the sudden noise and look over to Dinah and Normani who are now sat at the other end of my bunk, watching me intently.

I smile weakly at them and wipe at my tears. "I'm gonna go call Ariana about that date" Dinah pulls me back.

"Are you sure about that? Don't lead the poor girl on" Normani asks me and I shake my head at her.

"Mani, I am truly broken. Lauren broke me without knowing it and I think that I could really get to like Ari. She is nothing but good to me" I tell them both honestly and they give me a sympathetic smile.

They let me go and as I am walking to the front of the bus, I bump into Lauren who is standing next to my bunk. She has tear stained cheeks and I pray that she heard nothing.

She opens her mouth and I brush past her, knowing that I won't stop crying if I stay here with her.

"Ari?" I speak down the phone shakily, resting my forehead on the window. "How about that date?" I giggle at the squeal that fills my ears.

"Are-are you serious?" She stutters and I bite my lip to stop myself from smiling; she is too cute. "What made you change your mind?" She asks.

Ariana is my best friend other than the girls and I don't want to be shady.

She should know how I am feeling if we ever want to have some kind of relationship with each other.

"Where are you?" I ask her, wondering if she is close by Miami.

"I came to Orlando, hoping you were there but I missed you" I chuckle at her response, practically being able to see her pout through the phone.

"I've got a show in Miami tonight, will you be able to make it? I'll ask the girls and you can stay as an act for the show?" I ask her, grinning.

The tour would only get better if Ariana is here with us.

She lightens the room just by her presence and I really need to be happier than I have been lately.

I've been crying non stop since Lauren told me her news.

"That could be arranged. I'm holding you to that date, Cabello. I have to go now if I wanna make it later" she says and we say our goodbyes before hanging up.

I smile dreamily, feeling happy for the first time. I make my way to where the girls are sat eating.

"Guess who has a date with the one and only Ariana Grande?" I ask, sitting on Normani's lap.

"Ariana Grande? You've liked her since when? Isn't she like 20? Why didn't you tell me you liked her?" My eyes widen and I turn to Lauren.

Her eyes are squinted and her nostrils are flaring. She has her fists balled at her sides and looking into he eyes, I know that she is jealous.

She has the same look on her face that I gave her when she told me about the guy she was dating.

"Why do you care?" I snap harshly and she looks taken back slightly.

Guilt consumes me because I know that if she is jealous, she hasn't realized why yet. I know that she likes me as more than a friend; she just hasn't realized it or accepted it.

Lauren goes quiet and looks down to the ground, fumbling with her fingers.

"You know Lauren, I think you need to really open your eyes and think back over our whole relationship" I say before getting up and going to the doors of the bus.

We have stopped and I just want to see my family again.

I am the first to jump from the bus and I instantly hear the squeals of my little sister Sofia.

"Kaaaakkkiiii" she laughs and runs up to me happily with her arms open.

I lift her up and spin her around before hugging her close to me. "I missed you so much baby boo" I whisper into her shoulder.

She buries her face into my neck and I see Lauren staring at me over her head. I shut my eyes, trying to fight back my own tears. I can't; she has no idea.

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