Chapter 9

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Show nine: London

"Babe, are you sure about this?" I ask Lauren as she cuddles up to me after our first show out of the states. She nods shyly and buries her face into my chest cutely.

I've been out of the hospital for two days now and Lauren and I both decided that it would be best to explain things to everybody.

We told everybody yesterday that we will be having an important twitcam.

Nobody knows what it is about. The girls, our parents, management, the fans. They all have no idea.

We are just going to be truthful with everybody and tell them everything.

From my past and right up to us being together. We figured that it will be easier for us both not to have the weight of hiding holding us down.

So, as Lauren sets up the laptop I check my phone to see that I have an unread message from Nicole.

Ever since she messaged me again on twitter we have become close and now we talk almost everyday.

From- Nic

Hey Mils, good luck

-N xo

Nicole also already knows about Lauren and I since when she called me yesterday panicking about her sexuality, I reassured her that there is nothing to worry about and kind of just blurted it out to her.

To- Nic

Thanks babe, love you

-C xo

I throw my phone to the bottom of the bunk and bury myself into Lauren as she continues to load to twitcam. The rest of the girls are in the living area watching this twitcam since we wanted them to just watch us like everybody else is doing so.

"Nic says good luck" I whisper and she smiles slightly, her tongue poking out of her mouth in concentration.

I giggle at her adorableness and repeatedly kiss her cheek making her laugh and push me away.

"Not now Cabello" she says playfully whilst typing the name of the twitcam as 'Its Camren yo' causing me to laugh, remembering her tweet to that guy that called up Laurmila like what the hell is that really?

I chuckle and kiss her cheek one finally time before she clicks on the button which makes us live.

She tweets the link and soon, we have thousands and thousands of viewers watching us. Lauren and I share a look and I take a deep breath to calm myself of what we are about to admit to the world.

"Hi, so you all have probably figured out by now that this twitcam isn't like a usual twitcam. This is more serious and more important to Camz and I" Lauren says and I subtly tuck even further into her side.

I know that this is going to be the hardest moment in my life, having to admit everything openly.

But I need to; we need to.

This is something that is keeping us both anchored to our past.

We need to let everything go so that we can start our future together.

"Most of you have probably already heard by now that I have been in the hospital recently" I begin, my voice shaky and Lauren takes my hand in hers to help calm me down. I give her an appreciative smile. "The reason for that being that my past emotions have seemingly caught back up to me and mixed with my present, preventing me from letting go of everything that happened." I lift my hand to wipe away the single tear that has fallen from my eye.

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