Chapter 25 final chapter

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6 Years Later

"Mommy! Mama said to hurry your butt up or she will hurt you and I don't want her to hurt you so please go to her; I think she peed herself." Camila looked from her four year old daughter to her three best friends. Why does it have to happen now when they're about to go into one of their interviews? Why could Lauren have waited an hour or two?

"Go ahead Mila, your family is more important than an interview. We've got this one covered." Camila looks towards Dinah thankfully and is quick to lift her daughter into her arms before going to find her wife. Camila bites her lip because she knows how scared Lauren is for this moment to happen, the younger one of the couple having been the one to give birth to the daughter that they are already blessed with.

Camila offered to carry this child too, but Lauren refused and practically begged Camila to allow her to do it this time. However neither of them thought of the possibility that maybe she wouldn't only get pregnant with one child, but instead two. Not even a month after their world tour came to an end, Lauren and Camila married and instantly started on becoming a family of their own. Fifth Harmony is still stronger than ever after almost 10 amazing years of taking over the world with their girl power.

It still stunned the five of them that at one time in their lives neither of them knew each other. They look back on it with amazement because it seemed fate laid a hand on them by putting them into the same group. Neither one of them could even begin to imagine what life would be like for them if the judges hadn't called them back after being eliminated.

Would Camila and Lauren be in this position if they hadn't been put into a group? Sure they exchanged numbers at boot-camp and became close but would they have actually stayed in touch with one another? Camila silently thanks the Lord above for giving the five girls a chance because being in the group made Camila and Lauren inseparable, causing their bond to become tighter and unbreakable.

"Mommy can you stop running? I'm gonna fall." Camila acknowledges how tightly her daughters grip around her neck is and internally groans whilst slowing down her pace towards Lauren's dressing room which is literally at the other side of the building.

"Amelia did mama say anything else to you baby?" Camila hurriedly asks her daughter with a frown on her face as she watches her daughter shake her head to the side hesitantly.

When Camila and Amelia finally reach the dressing room, the woman quickly makes her way over to her wife and embraces her lovingly.

Amelia looks at her mothers proudly, happy that she got her mommy to her mama before she hurt her like she said she would.

"Are you feeling ok? Are the twins ok? Do you need anything? Did anybody phone for an ambulance or are we driving?" Camila asks and Lauren basically growls at her to shut the fuck up making Camila immediately close her mouth and stop talking. "Mels I need you to stay here with Dinah, Ally and Mani sweetie is that ok?" The small girl looks to her mothers with confusion, not exactly understanding what is happening and why everybody is running around hectically.

Lauren sighs at the innocent look identical to Camila's and struggles to kneel down before her daughter, looking into the concerned green eyes that Amelia somehow managed to inherit from her. "Remember how me and mommy told you about how you lived inside of mommy until you were ready to live with us properly?" Lauren asks Amelia softly who nods her head, still not really following what Lauren is saying to her. "And you know that Cameron and Isabella are living inside of mama now? Well they are ready to come and live with us now, so me and mommy have to go and get them so we can bring them home ok?" She asks and Amelia finally smiles, leaning forward to kiss Lauren's cheek.

@CamilaCabello97: Sweet moment between Lolo and Mels before we go to the hospital, love these two girls more than anything.

@CamilaCabello97: Lauren is glaring at me right now oops.

@CamilaCabello97: Gotta go gets me some babies byeeeee.

"Karla Camila Cabello Jauregui you are tweeting when I am in labor?" Lauren asks her wife and Camila chuckles nervously as she stuffs her phone back into the pocket of her jacket. "Hey dude! Can you take Amelia to the stage where the girls are so she can fill in for us?" Lauren yells to one of their make up artists as the ambulance arrives to take the two girls to the closest hospital to them.

"We will see you after the interview yeah Mels? We love you baby girl." Camila kisses the top of Amelia's head before she watches the small girl walk away back in the direction of the stage. One climbing into the ambulance, Camila turns her attention back to Lauren and takes her wife's trembling hand in her own whilst squeezing it tightly. She locks her eyes with the green ones staring right back at her and the fear of what is about to happen is obvious in them. "You don't have to worry babe, I'm going to be right here by your side throughout it all just like you were for me. I've got you Lolo and I'm not letting go ok?" Camila whispers and Lauren nods with tear-filled eyes before lifting her head slightly to give Camila's lips a much needed kiss.

"What if I do something wrong? I have two of the little shits to push out, you only had Mels and she practically flew out she was so tiny." Camila laughs when Lauren whines at her and softly pushes the loose strands of hair behind her ears, tucking them there securely.

Lauren grimaces in the pain of the contractions and Camila shakes her head in disagreement because in her eyes, Lauren could never do anything wrong. "You will do fine and then afterwards you will forget all about it ok? What have you been saying to me since the day we first met at boot-camp?" Camila asked Lauren who tried to hide her smile.

"You and me, forever and always." Lauren replies instantly through her giggles and Camila grins widely because she is happy that Lauren has forgotten about the pain for a moment.

"Exactly but now it is you, me and our children forever and always. We are a family Lauren and this is everything we have ever wanted isn't it? I promise you baby that nothing is going to go wrong because we've finally got it. We've got the happiness that we have wanted and that we have deserved after everything that we have been through." Camila softly begins to rub Lauren's stomach and the older girl wipes her tears.

"Have I ever told you that I love you?" She says after a few seconds in silence, her raspy tone making Camila laugh slightly.

"You've mentioned it a few times babe." Camila playfully rolls her eyes and lifts their joined hands so that she is able to kiss Lauren's hands.

"And I will mention it a whole lot more... I love you Camila."

Camila smiles and presses her lips against Lauren's.

"I love you too Lauren; lets go and have some babies."

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