Chapter 20

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Camila pants heavily as her naked body collapsed lazily on top of Lauren's, both of their breaths shallow and slightly wavering while they attempt to gain back the air they lost throughout the previous hours. Lauren smiles and presses a loving kiss to the exposed, hickey covered tanned skin before her causing Camila to sigh happily.

Both of them stay completely silent, the effects of their sex marathon still overpowering through their veins as Lauren tightly snakes her arms around her girlfriends waist and holds her close.

The feeling of their naked bodies pressed so closely together makes them feel as though their in a complete bliss of pure happiness and contentment where nothing else matters and nothing could ever hurt them.

Camila rests her head against Lauren's chest, enjoying the way she can hear the loud and exhilarating pounding of her girlfriends heart clear in her ears and how it falls in perfect sync to her own.

Lauren uses one of her hands and lifts it to the head of brunette curls, softly beginning to run her fingers through them. A subtle smile plays on the corners of her lips when she hears Camila release a giggle after she scratches at her scalp ever so lightly.

The younger girl tilts her head upwards, leaning slightly so she is able to meet the green eyes that captivate her so much. Her face scrunches up in that adorable way that makes every piece of Lauren's body melt as the older Cuban girl traces her fingers across the stunning features of the girls face. Lauren allows her eyes to break the loving staring contest the two had unknowingly started and scans every inch of the beauty.

A crimson color appears across Camila's cheeks as she blushes furiously under the intense admiration given from her girlfriend. "Lolo...stop it." She whines and Lauren is pulled out of her amazed thoughts, her silent wonders on what she ever did to deserve such an incredibly beautiful and perfect girl.

She leans forward silently and attaches her lips to the skin of Camila's cheek. "You're really beautiful my love. Can I not admire what I am lucky and thankful to call mine?" Lauren asks Camila teasingly because she knows that it will make the younger girl even more embarrassed than she already is.

Camila groans at the obvious teasing tone in Lauren's voice and tickles her hand up the girls sides. "I hate you." She mumbles through a pout and Lauren giggles quietly because she truthfully has never met somebody as cute as this girl laid above her.

She kisses Camila's forehead and then her nose, knowing what other three words the girl really meant to say instead. "I love you too and you know why?" She asks and Camila looks at her curiously, tilting her head to the side as she awaits the answer.

Lauren smiles. "Because you are you and there is nobody else in this world that I would rather spend my life repeated falling in love with." She whispers against the tanned skin that is tightly smothered along hers and her insides clench at the sound of Camila giggling, her body vibrating with butterflies.

Camila rolls herself off of her girlfriends body and into her side instead, their faces stopped only inches apart from one another.

Their legs automatically tangle together beneath the sheets and their hands move to intertwine between the two bodies.

"You're cheesy." Camila states as though it is an actual fact and Lauren raises her eyebrows at the words coming from the younger girls mouth. "...but still undeniably cute and extremely charming." She adds on after a couple of moments in silence.

"That is better and all completely true I must say. It's your fault though. Before you I was fine and then you made me into a mushy cheese ball romantic." Lauren tells her which makes Camila roll her eyes at the words.

Lauren notices this and chuckles, using all of the strength that her body contains to shuffle in closer towards her girlfriend.

The sudden blaring of the alarm seemingly awakens them from their combined dream and they groan at the interruption. "I don't want to move. I wanna lay here for longer with just the two of us together." Camila whimpers and Lauren nods in agreement to her words, not wanting to get up and face the excitement and craziness that the real world has to offer them today.

"Me too baby girl but we both know that if we don't get up now then the girls will barge in on us like this." Lauren replies her and Camila sniggers whilst remembering the last them the other group members walking in on them laying naked in bed together.

"Yeah we really don't want that to happen again after the last time." Camila agrees, her brain replaying the memory of Ally basically blessing them both in holy water.

Camila watches as Lauren lazily rolls out of the bed and gladly takes ahold of the offered outstretched hand. Lauren holds Camila close to her body and their lips find one another's without much effort at all.

Their lips fondly slide together and both girls become utterly absorbed in each other.

Neither of them thought that their lives would turn out this way, that it would contain an importance such as one another in it. They both didn't believe in the possibility of finding somebody who loves them as much as they longed for somebody to do so.

But they did, and they couldn't be happier to have each other.

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