Chapter 23

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Camila paced up and down nervously with her fingers playing with the hem of her shirt, Selena sat down watching her friend practically drowning in her own fear about what may happen within the next couple of hours. Since last week when Vero had kissed her, Camila and Selena has spent every second planning how the younger girl could get her green eyed fiancée to listen to her.

If you could even still call Lauren her fiancée. The two teenagers haven't spoken all week when not needed, the only interaction between them being in front of the cameras so people don't become suspicious.

Camila is completely torn, confused as to how things suddenly became so fucked up. Everything was going perfectly and now all she wants to do is break down in tears. She wants her Lauren back, she wants to explain the misunderstanding to the green eyed beauty and have things go back to normal.

So that is why Camila and Selena are here in the airport, both of them waiting impatiently for Demi to drag Lauren here. Selena allowed Camila access to her private beach house in Hawaii for the weekend, wanting the girl to take Lauren away and have some much needed time to themselves. It was a place utterly isolated from everything where they can just talk things through privately.

They know that it will take some convincing for Lauren to get onto the jet, however Camila is hoping that they will manage to get the stubborn girl to cave in to them.

It takes another ten minutes of Camila pacing and Selena mumbling at her to sit the fuck down until they spot a frustrated Demi dragging along a whining Lauren to them. Once Lauren lifts her head, her green eyes lock with Camila's brown ones and immediately she turns in attempt to run.

Camila smiles sadly, expecting nothing less from the older girl. "Lauren please." She whispers and the three other girls freeze when her voice cracks with emotion, all of them turning to face the younger girl. She has a look in her eyes that none of them recognise, a look of complete emptiness that they've never seen on her face before. That one look is all it takes. That one look and those two devastatingly heartbreaking words to get Lauren to softly agree.

Lauren understands that she maybe shouldn't do this, that giving into Camila could end up with her getting even further hurt but she just can't stand that look in those innocent eyes any longer.

Getting her to agree was easier than Camila thought and a tiny smile fluttered onto her lips at the subtle nod of her head.

Step 1 complete: Get Lauren onto the jet.

She shares a look with Selena who moves to Demi, lacing their fingers together and watching as Camila and Lauren make their way onto the private jet.

They stayed silent, Lauren confused as to where the hell they are heading and Camila freaking out over the fact this day holds their entire future together. After this they could be completely over or they could go back to how things were before this mess.

Camila watches Lauren settle comfortably into her seat and she wants nothing more than to lift up the armrest between them and cuddle securely into her side. But she can't, so she won't and at that moment she hates Vero. She hates her for causing this mess and for developing a crush on her even when knowing she is with Lauren. She hates her for kissing her and for not pushing away her feelings like she told Camila she would. But who Camila really hates is herself. She hates herself for not telling Lauren the truth straight away. She hates herself for still meeting with Vero after being aware of her crush.

The green eyed girl could see Camila trembling in the seat beside her, thick tears rolling down her puffy cheeks and splashing heavily onto her clothes. Lauren could feel her heart break into pieces in her chest, wanting to embrace the girl tightly and whisper reassuringly in her ear that everything will be ok soon enough.

She doesn't know that for sure though. Thoughts are controlling her mind hauntingly, making her wonder if things will eventually be back to how they were. Is this just another rough patch in their relationship? Will she be able to forgive Camila?

Camila wipes at her tears and turns to Lauren, her lips shaking when she opens her mouth to speak. "You know that I love you?" She asks in a small voice, it cracking in various places and wavering with emotion.

Lauren feels tears brim in her eyes, it being the first time in 8 days since hearing those words without the cameras around them. She grins a little, looking at the girl beside her and nodding because now she knows. Things will be ok, they will get over this because they are in love and love is all about forgiveness and trust. Camila reaches over with shaking hands and places them on top of Lauren's, both of them gasping at the first kind of physical contact between them.

Lauren squeezes Camila's hand in her own and looks back out of the window without saying anything to the girl. Camila just continues staring at their interlocked fingers.

Step 2 complete: Break down her wall.

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