Chapter 19

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@DinahJane97: yo dawgs keep the noise down some of us are tryna sleep up here and all I can hear iz u and ur gurl.

@NormaniKordei: Seriously camren?


@ArianaGrande: I'm pretty sure Camila has gone delusional.

@CamilaCabello97: guuurl you so fine @LaurenJauregui

@LaurenJauregui: @CamilaCabello97 I'm embarrassed for you babe.

@AllyBrooke: I don't even know what is happening.

Camila giggles and throws her phone onto the floor as Lauren tackles her against the bed playfully, tickling her sides gently as the younger girl wriggles under her grip in attempt to free herself. "No Lauren please." She gasps and tries to move Lauren's hands away from her sides.

Lauren smirks and stops tickling her girlfriend as she takes a moment to take in the flustered cheeks and messy hair. "Are you going to stop being annoying and hyper?" The green eyed girl asks her girlfriend who nods her head and pulls Lauren to lay down completely on top of her so that their bodies are pressed flushed together. Lauren laughs and Camila locks her arms tightly around her neck, pulling the girl on top of her closer so that their foreheads are pressed against each others.

"I love you but you really shouldn't tickle me." Camila whispers against her lips and Lauren laughs because she knows how much the girl hates it when she gets tickled, but she still does it anyway since she finds it ridiculously cute when the younger girl gets angry or annoyed.

"And you really should know that I don't care." Lauren teases her and Camila rolls her eyes before spinning them around so that she is laid above the older girl. Camila sniggers at the flushed look on her girlfriends face and just as she is about to lean in to kiss her, the door bursts open and Dinah comes rushing in.

"SLAP CAM!" The poly girl screams and slaps shaving cream across their faces whilst holding up her phone, laughing obnoxiously at herself for interrupting them. She uploads the video to vine and leads the room, all whilst still laughing because she knows what she has just started.

Camila and Lauren share a knowing look between them and use the bed sheets to wipe away the foam that Dinah hit off of their faces. "We need to plan something. Have you still got that silly string?" Camila asks Lauren with a smirk and the older girl grins, pulling out her phone to make a vine so she can let the harmonizers know what they're missing.

"Dinah has started a war. Camren is gonna get your poly ass!" Lauren says and then posts it as Camila grabs the silly string from the green eyed girls bag that is laid beside the bed. "You ready Camz? You spray the stuff at Dinah and I will vine it ok?" Camila nods in agreement and quietly, the two girls make their way towards the hotel room beneath theirs and Camila grins evilly at Lauren, the older girl giggling.

Lauren slowly opened the door and her eyes widened as she watched her girlfriend jump on top of an oblivious Dinah, spraying the silly string all over the girl. "AHHHHHHH!" She screams and Lauren posts the vine, still laughing at herself and her girlfriend because she personally has never seen anything so hilarious than the both of them. Both girls run from the room before Dinah can do anything back to them and collapse onto their bed whilst grinning in achievement at one another.

@DinahJane97: I hate camren @LaurenJauregui @CamilaCabello97 you girls seriously suck so much.

@ArianaGrande: Dinah is planning your death @LaurenJauregui @CamilaCabello97 lock your door.

@AllyBrooke: Camren better watch out because Dinah is freaking out.

@NormaniKordei: oooooh @LaurenJauregui @CamilaCabello97 you girls should hide or something DMac has been released.

Lauren laughs out loud at the tweets and is thankful that Camila locked the door after they entered the room again so that Dinah is unable to get them. "We are on hideout, our door is locked." Camila speaks, pointing the camera between Lauren and herself as they fearfully giggle. She posts the vine and Lauren pulls out her phone to post one when they hea Dinah begin to bang loudly against their door.

"She is gonna kill us. Camz if I die remember I love you." She says and kisses the tip of Camila's head, deciding to give the harmonizers some camren action as they haven't posted a camren picture for a while now, not since the night of Lauren's birthday when they got engaged.

"Dinah fuck off we're innocent! You started it anyway." Camila yells through the door causing it to go silent and she turns to face Lauren in relief. "I love you too babe and you are seriously so cute. We really need to stop giving all of the camren shippers heart attacks. Have you read all of the fanfictions lately?" Camila asks her girlfriend who laughs.

"You're really crazy." She mumbles and presses their lips together in a heated kiss, both of them forgetting all about their battle with Dinah now that they are in a heated lip lock. On the other side of the door, Dinah grimaces and moves away from the lock hole where she has been spying through, previously having enough already of the two kissing.

@DinahJane97: You girls are lucky this time @LaurenJauregui @CamilaCabello97 you're never getting away with it again though.

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