Chapter 16

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Camila had it all planned out, not even telling the girls of what she is doing for the girl she loves. It is the last day that they are spending in Paris before leaving to Belgium and also being the birthday of Lauren. Since she hasn't fully been herself since her encounter with Keaton the previous day, Camila is silently praying that this is what she needs to make her happy again. She smiles widely, her eyes staying glued to the sleeping body beside her and she is unable to stop herself from placing a gentle kiss to the puffy and flushed cheeks.

Lauren stirs because of the contact of Camila's lips pressed against her cheek and allows her eyes to delicately flutter open so that she can look into the beautiful brown orbs of her girlfriend. "Good morning beautiful." Camila says when she notices the green eyes staring back at her and pulls Lauren's body into her own even further. "Happy birthday." She mumbles when Lauren buries her face into her exposed neck, kissing the skin softly causing shivers to run up and down my spine.

"Thank you honey, have you been awake for long?" Lauren asks and Camila shakes her head whilst shrugging her shoulders, not wanting to tell Lauren that she was actually awake for most of the night planning her birthday surprise and organizing what they will be doing together throughout the day. Lauren giggles at Camila's lack of response, pulling the girl even more into her side and kissing the side of her face lightly. "Where are the girls? Usually they're jumping on beds whenever it is one of our birthdays." Lauren chuckles and Camila smiles at the sound.

"I may or may not have told them to fuck off for the day so that I have you all to myself without anybody around. I've got an entire day figured out for the both of us and I need you to go get ready so we can go." Camila replies shortly so that she doesn't give away too much detail on what she has planned for Lauren, her hand tightening around the tiny box that is hidden away in the pocket of her red coat. Lauren is about to argue against her wishes until the girl gave her a clue as to what they are going to be doing but Camila just shakes her head at her playfully causing her to sigh and move across the room to get some clothes.

As Lauren is getting ready for their day together, Camila pulls out her phone and opens up her instagram app, selecting a recent picture of her and Lauren which also happens to be one of her favorites.

Ariana took it, the two lovers completely oblivious to the fact that she was actually snapping a photograph of the them. Camila is sat straddling Lauren's lap, a bashful grin spread across her face as Lauren's hands cup her cheeks softly and her lips press against her nose gently.

She leaves it with a simple black and white filter, tagging Lauren in it firstly before writing out a long caption.

'Happy birthday to my heart, my everything. Even though it took us so long to get to where we are right now, I couldn't be happier to be with somebody as beautiful as you. Not only is your appearance entirely stunning but your heart and your mind are completely enhancing to me. You are always there to help anybody, to give advice and even though most people don't know this, you're a dork and I love that. I love that you are the perfect combination of serious and playful. I love that you are always looking out for me. I love that you're always taking care of me and you are always making me feel better when I'm down. I love everything about you Lauren and I am so happy to call you mine, to be able to share everything with you and to say you're my girlfriend. I love you babe, happy birthday @LaurenJauregui."

Camila posts the picture and shares it with both twitter and tumblr, wanting to add more but Lauren had appeared ready and she decided that she would just post another picture at the end of the day. She moves across the room and snakes her arms around the waist of the older girl, nuzzling their noses together.

"I love you. You know that you didn't have to do anything? I would of loved to just sit in and cuddle with you all day." Lauren whispers before connecting their lips together shortly in a quick kiss. She joins their hands together at their sides and curiously watches Camila as the girl grabs the hotel room keys and leads her outside into the hallway. She locks the door and pulls Lauren into her side as she pulls her out of the hotel without saying any words. "Can you tell me where we are going?" Lauren asks when Camila pulled her into a cab, smiling kindly at the driver before he begins to take them to wherever the girl has planned.

Camila shakes her head, laughing at the girls lack of patience. "Its a surprise love." She says before tilting her head to the side and kissing the flushed cheeks gently. "I love you so much gorgeous, I don't think I will ever get tired of telling you that." She whispers and Lauren blushes at her words, raising her eyebrows as she looks into brown eyes.

"Are you sure that you've never had a boyfriend or girlfriend in the past?" She asks and Camila chuckles at the confused look washed across the girls face whilst shaking her head from side to side. "You always know all of the right things to say and you know exactly all the good romantic gestures that manage to make me melt whilst claiming that you've had zero romantic experience in the past." She mumbles and lifts her hand to rub her cheek affectionately, not noticing her surroundings until the cab comes to a stop causing her to look out of the window. She gasps when she notices they've stopped beside the Eiffel tower and her blush returns when Camila offers her hand to assist her out of the cab like the gentlewoman she is.

She looks at the building in complete awe, taking in all of the beauty before her while Camila leads her right to the top. "Happy birthday babe." She whispers into her ear and Lauren feels tears beginning to well up in the corners of her eyes as she takes in everything in front of her.

Camila had made arrangements so it is only the two of them allowed up here at this certain time to have some space for themselves. She had transformed the entire open area into a romantic scene that looks as though it has just been taken from a movie. Red and white rose petals are covering the floor along with lit candles and fairy lights dangled around the railings, a table for two placed exactly in the middle with what looks like chocolate pancakes on top of the plates for them.

"Camzi... you- I" Lauren is literally at loss for words as she turns to her girlfriend who is smiling widely at her response, or lack of response. She takes her hands and connect their lips together to silence the stuttering girl before her. "Why would you do all this? How? It is beautiful. Thank you so much for doing this." She says and Camila pulls her towards the edge of the railing so that they are able to look over the city. Lauren smiles and pulls out her phone to snap a picture of the stunning view, immediately sending it to instagram and twitter.

'Pancakes at the top of the Eiffel tower? @Camila_Cabello I love you.'

Camila leads Lauren towards the table and assists Lauren as she sits down on her chair, the older girl smiling and fully expecting her to go and sit down herself. However Camila nervously sighs and kneels down beside Lauren, the green eyed girl gasping at the sight and turning to face her expectantly awaiting Camila to begin speaking.

"Lauren, we have been dating for five months now and I wanted to give you something completely memorable for your birthday, something that you wouldn't forget. I love you entirely and I couldn't actually ask for somebody better to give my love to. You are my favourite person, my favourite everything and I want you to know that you always will be. This could be too soon for you, and I understand that we are young and if you also don't want this but I feel like this is the right time to do this. Our lives are completely perfect at this moment and hopefully this will make everything better. You're 19, I'm 18 and maybe other people may see this to be immature to be doing this but they have no idea what the depths of our love is. We will last, we will be forever Lauren because I need you in my life and wouldn't be able to survive without you. I promise to always protect you, to love you and to be loyal to you. To hold you and to kiss you and to laugh with you. I promise to give you the happiness you deserve and the best possible life. Please Lauren, please marry me? It doesn't have to be until a couple of years because we are still young and our careers are making us busy but eventually, please. Do me the honour of becoming my wife?"

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