Chapter 17

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Lauren feels as though the world around her became completely frozen, not being able to do anything other than repeatedly nod her head as her tears rapidly flow down her cheeks. Camila gasps at the agreement coming from the older girl and uses her trembling hands to slip the diamond ring onto Lauren's finger, kissing it softly before standing up and cashing their lips together fiercely.

Camila allows her hands to wrap around her now fiancees neck and softly lets the pads of her thumbs stroke her exposed skin whilst their lips work together almost effortlessly. "Yes." Lauren mumbles breathlessly against the plump lips before kissing Camila's cheek and pulling away slightly to wipe at her tear stained cheeks.

She takes a deep breath and pulls Camila to sit on her lap. Their foreheads press together and they just sit in completely silence whilst gazing into each others eyes as they allow the reality what just happened to register completely into their minds. "We're engaged." Camila states after a moment, lifting her hand to brush the fallen piece of hair away from Lauren's eyes and tucking it behind her ear. Lauren is unable to hide the bashful smile at those two words and excitedly nods her head, her whole entire body vibrating with happiness because of the newly confirmed knowledge that someday in the future she will hopefully be married to the beautiful girl sat on her lap.

"That we are babe and I honestly could not be happier that you asked me that question tonight. Everything you just said to me was unbelievably sweet and I don't know how I got so lucky to have you in my life in the way that I do." Lauren whispers and dips her head to kiss Camila directly underneath her chin before trailing them across her jawline causing a shiver to erupt though Camila's body at the gentleness of the feather-light pecks to her tanned skin.

"I love you so much." Camila mutters quietly and subconsciously moves her head to the side to allow Lauren's lips better access to the skin on her neck. Lauren smiles against her as those words fill her ears and she feels as though she is in a complete bliss because surely it isn't this possible to be this happy? She begins to nip at the skin and Camila tugs on the ends of her hair to get her attention. Lauren lifts her head and smiles at her, her green eyes literally sparkling as they lock with the brown ones of the girl sat on top of her.

She slowly closes the small space that is between their mouths in a short kiss. "What are we going to tell everybody? How are we going to tell everybody or do we even mention it unless they ask?" Camila asks and Lauren shrugs her shoulders in response to her.

Camila suddenly grins, then silently takes Lauren's left hand in hers and captures a picture of it. The ring is obvious and the picture is simple, self explanatory so she doesn't need to write an overly long caption.


Camila posts the picture to instagram before locking her phone and returning it back into her pocket. She kisses Lauren on the cheek, smiling and then turning her attention to the chocolate pancakes that are on the plates in front of them. Her tongue automatically pokes out of her mouth and she licks her lips at the chocolate heaven that is placed before her. Lauren watches her in amusement because she doesn't believe that she will ever get tired of watches how Camila is with her food and how completely intoxicated she is with it. She rips the pancakes apart with her fingers messily and hands some of it to Lauren, feeding her through giggles because more of it is landing on the floor than actually inside of her mouth where it is supposed to go.

When the two have finally finished eating, they stand up ready to leave because it is getting to late and they have to leave Paris in a little while.

Camila laces their fingers together and smiles brightly when she feels the diamond from the ring press into her skin, it reminding her that tonight really did happen and it wasn't just another one of her dreams that seemed so real, leaving her flustered and annoyed once she awoken the next morning after realizing it wasn't actually reality.

As the two walked so they are at the bottom of the Eiffel tower, Lauren shyly asked the man that helped set this whole evening up to take a picture of both her and Camila. He agreed with a smile and watched as Camila got down on one knee, bringing the ringed finger to her lips whilst Lauren blushed and laughed loudly at how much of a dork her fiancee is.

He snapped the picture, the Eiffel tower clear in the background of it and handed the phone back to Lauren continuing to watch as they hopped into the cab, not really paying any attention to anything but one another. They told the cab driver the address of the hotel and cuddled up into each other in the back seats in silence for the ride back, thinking back over the perfect night that they had spent together.

'I think it is safe to say this was the best birthday I've ever had @Camila_Cabello thank you babe for everything you planned it was perfect and I love you so much... fiancee ;)"

Camila smiles at Lauren and the cuteness that she has before pulling out her one phone to reply via twitter so that they are able to send the entire camren fandom into an ever bigger heart attack than they are already having because of the first picture Camila posted.

@CamilaCabello97: @LaurenJauregui Anything for you<3

@LaurenJauregui: You're cute @CamilaCabello97

@CamilaCabello97: Hey baby...I think I wanna marry you

@CamilaCabello97: That was cheesy I'm so sorry

@CamilaCabello97: But seriously, I am incredibly proud and thankful to have such a beautiful fiancee like @LaurenJauregui I love you so much.

@LaurenJauregui: @CamilaCabello97 please stop tweeting me Camz I'm right here beside you, dork

@CamilaCabello97: @LaurenJauregui you started it

@LaurenJauregui: CamilaCabello97 ok ok I need a kiss anyway

@CamilaCabello97: damn feisty Lolo is my fave

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