Chapter 10

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Show ten: Liverpool

"You're perfect, you know that?" Lauren mumbles, breaking the comfortable silence that fell upon us for the past thirty minutes. I jump slightly at the sudden noise and lift my head off of her chest so that I can look into the unique eyes that I love so much.

She is smiling softly, the kind of smile that reaches the eyes and filled with all the love and sincerity that the person has to offer.

The sight causes my heart to flutter and my stomach to turn as butterflies escape and fly throughout my entire body. I grin at her and lift my hand off of her waist to cup her cheek, letting my thumb graze her puffy cheekbone gently.

"I love you so much" I reply to her, finding it completely adorable how she is always randomly complimenting me out of nowhere. It is something that makes me love her even more so than I already do. She is always boosting my confidence and self-esteem, making sure that I don't fall back into the insecurities that used to overtake my body in the past.

Lauren giggles and tilts her head, pecking the tip of my nose gently as she moves her arms to snake them around my waist securely. "I love you too cutie" she answers and I laugh at her.

"You know that we are going to have to face everybody today, right?" I sigh, looking into her eyes with a worried expression. After finishing the chat last night, Lauren and I fell asleep straight away before having the chance to go and speak to everybody and now I am kind of nervous to.

How will the girls react to us being together and what I opened up about? Will it effect the group? What will our parents think? Are they going to hate us? Will my mom take Sofia and not allow her to stay with me for the rest of the tour? I need my mom and little sister here with me.

Lauren obviously notices my inner struggles because she moves to straddle my waist, cupping my cheeks in her hands and forcing me softly to look into her concerned but reassuring eyes. "Baby, I promise that you have nothing to worry about. I will protect you through everything and I will be right by your side with everything that gets thrown at us when we move out of this bunk, ok? I love you and I will never ever let anybody hurt you" her words make a smile spread across my face and I softly move forward to close the gap between our lips.

My arms go to Lauren's hips, pulling her further into me and tilting my head slightly to deepen the kiss. Her fingers run through my hair and our lips mold together perfectly. Fireworks are exploding in my head and my stomach is going wild with butterflies from the feeling of her lips.

I let my tongue slide across Lauren's top lip, asking for permission to enter her mouth with she accepts immediately. Our tongues dance together in perfect sync and I moan at the taste of cherries that lingers in her mouth. Lauren smirks against my lips and a giggle escapes her throat, sending soft vibrations throughout my entire body.

Kissing Lauren is definitely one of my favourite things to do, the overpowering feeling of love that fills my veins as our lips press together make me undeniably high on passion and love for the black haired Latina above me. The pure feeling of happiness that consumes me is indescribable as her addictive soft, plump lips connect with mine lovingly.

After making out for a while, we both pull apart breathlessly, our cheeks flustered and our lips swollen. Lauren smiles at me and I smile back, leaning to peck her lips lightly before just resting our foreheads together delicately.

"You are so beautiful. Everything about you..." I whisper, allowing my eyes to wonder over the features of her face. A lump forms in my throat at the knowledge of this stunning girl sitting above me being all mine.

"As are you my love" she whispers back and I giggle, letting my finger come between us and tapping the end of her nose where all her adorable freckles lay. Lauren pouts and bats my hand away making me laugh loudly and move to kiss her neck when she turns to look away from me.

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