Chapter 8

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Show eight: Seattle

"Fifth harmony's Camila Cabello gets rushed to hospital."

"Fans wait outside Seattle Hospital for news on Camila Cabello."

"What happened to Camila Cabello?"

"Is everything over for fifth harmony?"

I roll my eyes, not out of irritation but because tears are building up in my eyes uncontrollably. I didn't mean to cut as deep as I did, it all happened so fast before I could stop it.

Since fighting with Lauren, I haven't spoken to her or any of the girls. The hate has somewhat become more noticeable to me over this past week and it just adds onto my mood.

It hurts to see the comments. I know that I am not pretty like the other girls or as funny as them or as talented as they are. But to have people constantly remind me of that brings back everything for my past.

As I watch E! News on the hospital TV, I can't help but sigh since nobody probably even cares about me. "Kaki!" I jump in surprise and my eyes widen as I turn to face the new person that has entered my room.

Black hair clouds my vision as Sofia jumps on me and hugs me tightly. I wince in pain when she knocks my arm by mistake but still embrace her with a smile on my face.

After my fight with Lauren, I had called my mom and asked if she could bring Sofi so she could join us for the rest of the tour. I needed somebody to distract me from my worries and Sofia is the perfect person for that.

She is the only person to make me feel nothing but happiness at this moment in my life and I need that.

"Hey Princess, please watch my booboo" I say softly and she gasps before moving away from my arms. "Where is mama?" I ask her and she shrugs her shoulders cutely.

Sofia is forever running off from our parents and she is never learning her lesson when she always ends up lost.

"Mama is getting foods" she says and I smile whilst licking my lips at the thought of food. "Kaki why do you do this?" Sofia asks innocently while running her fingers over my bandages and I freeze in shock.

What the hell should I say? She is only a child and wouldn't understand.

"Well... Sofi the truth is I am not very happy" I say not being able to lie to my little sister about this.

Sofia furrows her eyebrows. "But why Kaki? You are always smiling" she asks and I sigh because this is going to be harder than I thought.

"Yes I am but that doesn't mean I am happy on the inside baby" I tell her and play with the ends of her hair as she rests her head on my chest. "Do you remember that time your fishy died and all you wanted to do was cry?" Sofia nods sadly. "Well that is how I feel all the time and it hurts, Sofi. It hurts all the time" I say.

Sofia looks up at me with her big brown eyes and uses her tiny hands to wipe away my tears.

"Don't cry Kaki. You don't have to feel sad because you are the bestest person that I know" Sofi tells me sweetly and I smile weakly.

"Its not that easy babe. There is so much more to it that you wouldn't understand, even I don't understand it" I whisper to her and she pouts.

I tighten my eyes around her and kiss the top of her head softly.

She smiles and this is the first time that I have felt content since my fight with Lauren the other day.

But of course the feeling doesn't last long as I look up to see Lauren staring back at me, the tears clear.

My stomach turns and a lump forms in the back of my throat.

"Uhh- I... Please" I quietly plead her and motion to Sofia who is starting to drift into a peaceful sleep.

Lauren ignores me and comes closer towards the bed where I am laid.

She stays quiet and before I can ask her what she is doing, she is sat beside me and crashing our lips together. I whimper at the contact and as much as I want to pull away, I can't because I crave her.

I am addicted to her lips and I want more but I know that this is wrong.

How is it that I can't pull away?

Why do I love her so much?


"I love you. I love you so fucking much" Lauren whimpers desperately and I can see all the emotions rush through her eyes as she stares at me.

I can see the pain and the hurting that she is feeling. I can see how scared she is and how much she regrets her past words.

"Please just take me back. I don't want to loose you anymore. I will shout it from the rooftops if you want, please Camila please" she is begging me right now, clutching my top in her fists as she hysterically tries to get me to take her back.

I can't stand to see her like this. By telling her to fuck off was just hurting us both and I can't believe that I didn't see that until now.

She was scared, insecure and wasn't ready to be open with her sexuality.

But she was open with me. I know that Lauren has been nothing but honest with me since we met and yet I was still blindsided with my thoughts to realize this when I needed to.

"I love you too" I whisper and Lauren lifts her head to look at me in shock. "Please help me Lauren. Please make this feeling go away" I beg and she takes me in her arms quickly.

Lauren uses her thumbs to wipe my tears away and I unwrap myself from a sleeping Sofia to cuddle into her side comfortably.

She kisses the top of my head and snakes her arms around me.

I smile at the feeling of her heartbeat and the sound of it in my ears.

"I missed you" I say and lift my head to look at her with watery eyes. "You hurt me but I hurt you too and I'm sorry for being a dick and hitting you" I lift my hand to rub her cheek that I hit hard the other day.

She giggles. "Its fine baby. I just want to forget and focus on helping you now ok?" She says and lifts my bandages to her lips, kissing them.

I smile and nod. "I love you" I tell her again and she grins back at me.

"I love you too."

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