Chapter 12

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Show 12: Birmingham

@camrensucks: @CamilaCabello97 ur ugly n stupid

@LaurenJauregui: @camrensucks excuse me but Camila is both beautiful and incredibly smart.

@camrensucks: @LaurenJauregui lol no ur blind but ur ugly too so dat is why ur together u can only get each other lol

@LaurenJauregui: @Camrensucks call me ugly all you want, call me anything but don't you dare say anything about Camila. She is the most beautiful girl I have ever seen, much more than you will ever be.

@camrensucks: @LaurenJauregui ok bitch lol

Camila's eyes watered as she read over the conversation between her girlfriend and a hater that was held on twitter the previous night, obviously after she fell asleep. It made her more angry than sad, having somebody that is a stranger to her talk about her in a way that is so incredibly hurtful. Everybody had left to go explore the city and get some dinner before the show but Camila decided to stay back, spending much needed time alone after everything that has happened.

She lets out a sigh and looks through her camera roll, selecting the most suitable picture of both her and Lauren that the two of them have taken and posting it onto instagram. The picture was taken yesterday unknowingly after the interview by Ariana. Camila was sat on the chair, Lauren stood behind her causing the younger girl to tilt her head back so that she can look at her. The pair are wearing matching smiles as Lauren is bent over to press her lips softly against Camila's nose.

'This person is the most supportive, beautiful and inspirational girlfriend that I could ever ask for. She is constantly there for me and always here to remind me of the things I sometimes manage to forget. @LaurenJauregui I love you so much baby, thank you for everything<3'

She posts the picture and smiles, finding the all parts of the message to be completely true. Her phone immediately begins to buzz with replies, harmonizers going insane over the camren making her laugh and her heart to warm slightly at how supportive they all are over their newly developed relationship. After replying to a few fans on twitter and re-blogging some posts on tumblr, she puts away her phone and makes her way back to the front of the bus.

Camila jumps in surprise when she notices that the girls have already arrived back and are watching a movie, thinking that they would of still been out as she hadn't heard them returning to the bus. She smirks when her eyes land on Lauren who is distractedly fidgeting in her seat, not really paying any attention to the movie and moves behind her.

Lauren gasps loudly when her eyes are suddenly covered and her vision darkens. " can-can... Mani?" She whines and Camila can't help but find it absolutely adorable when she tilts her head to the side to notice the pout covering her girlfriends face. A quiet laugh falls from her mouth and she moves her hands, grinning when she sees the sparkle in Lauren's eyes when they meet her own. "Cams! I thought you were sleeping babe?" She asks but doesn't give the girl much time to answer before she is happily closing the small distance between their lips in a much needed kiss.

They pull away breathlessly and Camila shakes her head. "I am very much awake right now" she whispers and Lauren laughs at her words before leaning forward to kiss her once again, only parting away from one another when both their phones chirp with new messages.

@DinahJane97: camren is making out like pero save that for the bedroom gurlies lmao #camrenfeels #camrenbeeatingeachother

@NormaniKoredi: @DinahJane97 I second that damn girls we are trying to watch a movie here @CamilaCabello97 @LaurenJauregui

@AllyBrooke: My brain is traumatized because of what I am witnessing

@CamilaCabello97: @LaurenJauregui I love you baby boo


@ArianaGrande: I thought that it was bad to see all of the camren pictures and videos but seeing it in real life is seriously nauseating

@LaurenJauregui: @CamilaCabello97 I love you too Cams

@AllyBrooke: @CamilaCabello97 @LaurenJauregui I say this in the nicest way possible, please stop being cute it is making us all puke

Camila and Lauren lift their heads from their phones at the same time to glare at the four girls who are laughing at them. The younger girl stands up from Lauren's lap and silently leads her towards their bunks where they are alone without the girls playfully disturbing them.

@ArianaGrande: Finally

They roll their eyes at the last message and Camila pulls Lauren to lay on top of her, both of them giggling and placing kisses to every bit of exposed skin in reach of their lips. "You know that we should prank them and pretend to have a fight, making them believe that we split up?" Camila suggests evilly and Lauren smirks, raising her eyebrows wanting to know more about this new plan her girl has thought of. "From today we have two days off whilst we travel to Edinburgh and get ready for the show. Later tonight we yell loudly at one another so they can hear and then one of us will storm out and say something like 'Fuck you, we're done' making them believe we're over. Tomorrow we will act as if we are mad at each other and see how they react."

Both girls laugh at the plan, nodding in agreement to what they are going to do to prank their friends, "so, what are we fighting about?"

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