Chapter 15

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Lauren roughly attempted to push away the body that has pinned her forcefully against the cold and hard wall of an isolated corridor of the current hotel they are staying in. The large hands didn't move though, they remain curled around her waist as she shakes and moves in his tough, firm grip. "Let me go, I swear to God Keaton I will fucking rip off your balls with a pair of scissors." She threats, a shiver making its way down her spine as his evil cackle fills her ears almost hauntingly.

"Come on Lauren, you know that you want me babe. You still love me as much as I love you, you're only leading Camila on because you feel sorry for her." He mumbles in a cocky tone of voice which makes Lauren's skin crawl because she has no idea how she ever once found this guy stood before her attractive.

She moves her face to the side, her breathing becoming uneven when he makes a quick attempt to press his lips against hers. "Get off me. Just go away please Keaton." Lauren is practically begging him right now to leave her alone but Keaton is resistant to leave, his only thoughts being that he came to take back what is rightfully his and what he should never of let slip through his fingers, out of his life so easily.

"We're in Paris; the perfect place to rekindle our relationship is in the city of love don't you think babe?" He presses, his eyebrows raises so that they are basically meeting his hairline. Lauren rolls her eyes at the stupidity of the guy. When she says no, she means no and he apparently is having a hard time in getting that into his thick brain. "Just dump the loser and come back to me. We were perfect together and everybody knows that, everybody agrees that we had something." He takes his hands off of her but before Lauren has any chance of running away they are back on her body, cupping her cheeks heavily.

She lifts her hands and tries to push him away, tries to move his manly hands off of her but he is too strong for her and refuses to let go. "No, Paris is the perfect place to kiss my girlfriend, to be with my girlfriend and to love my girlfriend. Camila and I are perfect together not you and I, Keaton. Kindly just fuck off because you are literally making my stomach churn with your disgusting face and rather turn-off attitude." She spits out and Keaton laughs, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear that fell in front of her face when she attempted to pull away from him.

He takes her hands and pins them at her sides so that she has no way of getting away from him. "You really think you love her? Babe you're just confused because we were away from each other for so long. I'm sure a kiss will make you remember though, right?" Keaton smiles widely at his newly thought idea and leans in towards the trembling girl, ignoring the cries and pleas that are shakily leaving her mouth.

Their lips press together clumsily because of Lauren's consistent moving in effort to break the kiss, wanting nothing more than to scream for help from her girlfriend who is most likely wondering where the hell she has disappeared to and what is taking her so long to collect the candy from the hotel's store for their supposed to be movie marathon.

The older girl closes her eyes and wishes that somebody could come to her rescue and pull the guy off of her. "Help! Somebody please." She yells when she has managed to pull away from his lips, only to have him harshly reconnect them together again. Luckily, or not so luckily, the one girl Lauren wished for happened to be walking past at the moment of her pleading yells and immediately recognized the desperation that was laced in those three words.

Camila began to run, she ran as fast as she could and eventually came to the corridor where Keaton had her girlfriend forcefully pressed against the wall and kissing her unwillingly. Her blood boils, her fists clenching at her sides at the sight as she charges towards the two and before she could stop herself she was gripping that sickening blonde hair and pulling him away roughly from the girl she loved. "Hey dick, get the fuck away from her. I suggest you get the fuck out of this hotel before I either call the cops or kill you." She seethes and Keaton gulps at the look in her eyes before tuning around and running out of the hotel quickly.

Lauren begins to sob as soon as he is out of sight, her body crumbling to the ground fearfully because of what had just occurred.

The brown eyed girl drops to the floor beside her girlfriend and pulls her into her gently, holding her securely in her arms as she cries. "I've got you babe its ok, he has gone now. He can't get you now that I'm here with you Lauren. I won't let him touch you again." She whispers into her ear and Lauren closes her eyes at the reassuring words falling from Camila's mouth softly. Her hands shakily move to grip her girlfriends shirt and she buries her face into her chest tightly, not letting her go.

Camila kisses her head and Lauren smiles weakly at the feeling of the soft lips instead of those rough ones pressed against her skin.

"Please d-don't le-let him touch m-me." Lauren stutters though her tears, speaking for the first time since Camila found her and it breaks her heart to hear and see her girlfriend in such a weak and vulnerable state.

"I promise he will never touch you again, I love you too much to ever put you in another possible situation like that again."

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