Chapter 14

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"Rumor has it Fifth Harmony's Camila Cabello and Lauren Jauregui are in major couple trouble."

"Is this the end for the couple we've all grown attached to?"

"Camila Cabello was seen leaving tour bus yesterday crying with girlfriend Lauren Jauregui running closely behind."

"Trouble in paradise ladies?"

Camila groaned in annoyance as she searched through the camren tag on twitter. Usually it would make her smile and she would find it incredibly amazing that the two get as much support that they do but today it just made her completely irritated since it looks to her as though nobody has real trust in their relationship. Just because she was seen crying it automatically means that something happened between her and Lauren? Maybe Lauren was just comforting her? Maybe she was actually upset over something and everybody is choosing to ignore it.

It wasn't even a big deal, she was just stressed with the tour and all of the busy hours without sleep. Everything got too much and she couldn't stop herself from breaking down. But after storming out of the bus Lauren got worried and chased after her terrified that she would do something to herself, knowing that Camila chooses to do that when she is stressed and having a hard time expressing her emotions.

Lauren took away Camila's phone, seeing the distress written across her features and pulling her from her thoughts. She taps the button to write a new tweet and shuffles away from Camila when she tries to look at what she is going to write for her, the younger girl pouting in result.

@CamilaCabello97: I have the most beautiful girlfriend. I love you so much. This is Lauren by the way ;)

@CamilaCabello97: Rumors can suck it, I love my baby.

@CamilaCabello97: Sorry that was rude.

@CamilaCabello97: Camila is pouting because I took away her phone.


@CamilaCabello97: lol camzi is gonna kill me because i sent Ed that tweet. I didn't write it, it was in her drafts.

@CamilaCabello97: Camila is glaring at me, I'm gonna go kiss her.

Lauren hands the phone back and quickly presses her lips to Camila's eagerly wanting to taste those puffy pink lips that look so inviting to her needing green eyes. Camila attempts to resist, wanting desperately to know what Lauren had tweeted but when a tongue pushes its way into her mouth without warning her whole body melts and she finds herself kissing back with just as much passion and need. Their tongues dance together, Lauren's exploring the hidden territory of Camila's mouth earning loud moans from the younger girl in response.

Hands roam each other's body freely, gripping tightly and rubbing any exposed skin lovingly. The two girls are completely absorbed with one another, blocking out everything else around them that they don't hear or notice Ariana enter the room until she lets out a rather high pitched squeal that causes them to jump apart. They turn to her and laugh when they see her innocently covering her eyes to block out the sight of them making out with one another. "Wow you really did kiss her ok uhm yeah so we need to go for the interview now unless you want to keep making out and end up getting into trouble with Simon." With that she leaves again leaving the two Latina's giggling at the newly blonde girl.

Camila turns to Lauren and moves to kiss the end of her nose softly making the older girl scrunch it up adorably. "I love you Bambi" Lauren mumbles and Camila bashfully smiles at the new nickname that the girl has began calling her because she says that Camila is basically a human Bambi. Camila finds the nickname cute so she doesn't mind and this way she actually managed to get Lauren to watch the film with her.

The younger girl caresses the smooth skin of Lauren's cheeks with the pads of her thumbs and giggles when she nuzzles their noses together softly, the sound making Lauren's stomach drop and fill with butterflies. "I love you too. Did you know that we are late for our interview now and the girls are gonna be pissed because it is the third time this week?" Camila asks with a cheeky grin and Lauren just shrugs her shoulders, giggling when the girl finally takes a look at her phone whilst they walk towards the stage from the room they were in. Before they are on camera view, Camila smacks her arm and Lauren bursts into an uncontrollable fit of laughter at the horrified look covering the girls face.

@CamilaCabello97: Lauren is lucky she has nice lips.

@CamilaCabello97: @LaurenJauregui ha ha ur gonna pay babe

@CamilaCabello97: I can't even blame that Ed tweet on Lauren because she already told you all it was me dang girl u betta watch yourself.

Camila slips her phone into her pocket and then reaches for Lauren's hand, lacing their fingers together so that they are perfectly joined. "You are beautiful too Lauren, thank you for being mine." Camila whispers into her ear and Lauren isn't able to stop her cheeks from flushing a dark red color as they walk onto the stage and each take a seat on the two remaining stools, their hands never leaving each others.

The crowd cheers for them and they smile widely whilst waving at the fans stood before them with their phones out, either taking photographs or recording them. They'll most probably know tonight because it will be all over the internet; twitter, tumblr, vine, instagram, youtube, all of it. "Sorry for those two they are always off in their own world. Sometimes it is cute but then other times it is really irritating because they don't even acknowledge your existence in the slightest." Normani comments, speaking to the interviewer who is looking at the two girls with obvious amusement. Camila pokes her tongue out at Normani and Lauren just rolls her eyes, neither of them even trying to deny it though.

Why would they deny it though? The love that they share is intoxicating and both of them are completely smitten by one another.

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