It hurts so bad.

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Soyeon's POV
The girl is Soojin. She rushed towards me worrying.
<<I can explain>> she said
<<I know that we just debuted and that dating is kind of forbidden, but I wasn't able to control things. I fell in love with him and there was nothing I could do. I hope you're not mad about it.>> she explained almost with teary eyes.
<<Soojin, I'm not mad. Everyone deserves to be happy with the person we love, but you know, we are not ordinary people. Like you said we just debuted, people don't know us well yet, we may put a bad image to the group even before starting.>> I said to her. She was looking at me with sad eyes.
<< By saying this, I'm not telling you to break up with him. I want you to be careful with this. I don't want you to be hurt by what people might say about you. But anyways, I'm supporting you. As the leader of the group, and especially as your friend. So congratulations.>> I said smiling at her.
<<Thank you, thank you, thank you. You are the best Soyeonah!!!>> she said smiling from ear to ear. I have never seen her smiling like this.
We hugged each other and Hui sunbaenim approached us. He was also smiling.
<<I guess everything turned out well>> he said putting his hand on Soojin's waist. Soojin did the same with Hui sunbaenim's waist.
<<Thank you for understanding Soyeonah>> he said lastly.
<<Of course Hui sunbaenim. I might be a strict leader, but when it comes to Soojin or any of our members' personal matters, I'm a friend first.>> I said that made Soojin smile.
<<But wait, are you planning on telling the other members too?>> I asked, I honestly think it is only fair for them to know too.
Soojin looked at Hui sunbaenim, trying to understand by looking him in the eyes, what her boyfriend could say.
<<Is it okay if I tell them babe?>> Soojin asked.
<<Of course babe, we didn't say anything back then because you had to debut first and I didn't want to cause any harm to you or your bandmates. Also no one knew yet. But now that Soyeon does, I think is right for the rest of you members to know it too. By the way, is it okay if I tell my members as well?>> Hui sunbaenim asked.
<<Sure Oppa, no problem, also thank you for allowing me.>> Soojin replied.
<<Of course, I wouldn't deny you rights for anything. Your happiness comes first.>> Hui sunbaenim said smiling at her.
I guess I like how sunbaenim treated Soojin, but still there was something that wasn't right about this relationship. Maybe I'm just paranoid...

Minnie's POV
I was with Sorn unnie of CLC right now. We were just catching up at a bar. She with her americano and me with my green tea. I don't drink coffee, honestly I don't how people can drink that thing.
<<So, how is it going so far with the promotions?>> Sorn unnie asked me. She was the first person that I got close to besides my members. She is also thai and that made me even more comfortable with her.
<<We are doing great, we didn't expect this results at all. I'm still not used to the thought of me being an idol, but honestly I enjoy it.>> I replied smiling from ear to ear.
<<I'm really happy for you Minnie. You are doing fantastic and I am really proud of you.>> she replied.
<<Thank you Unnie.>> I said.
As we were finishing drinking, Soyeon sent a text to our groupchat.
"For those who are outside the dorm, can you please head back? We have to talk about something."
This seems really serious, so I told Sorn Unnie that I needed to go back at the dorm. We bid our goodbyes and parted ways.

Miyeon' POV
Right now I am at the company. Practice room at the 8th floor. I'm still not used to how huge this place is to the point that I get lost sometimes. Yes after all these years.
I was practicing for our concert held by CUBE. I am so nervous. I am already familiar with performing in front of a lot of people, but with our seniors... is like performing with your whole family clan.
<<Unnie!!>> someone screamed. I already knew who was that. Our maknae. Shuhua is the only one with this high rate of energy. Yuqi is also energetic but no one can beat the youngest.
<<Oh Shuhua ya, why are you here?>> I asked her
<<After our group practice I decided to stay to practice a little bit more.>> she said and that made me smile at the thought of how passionate our baby is.
Both our phones received a text, it was Soyeon in our groupchat, asking for the members outside the dorm to head back. I looked at Shuhua and she was as confused as me.

Third person's POV
Everyone headed back at the dorm. Yuqi was already there after practicing, as she wasn't feeling very well.
<<Let's take a seat.>> Soyeon said.
Everyone took a seat, and as usual Shuhua went straight next to Soojin and started to be clingy right away. The older didn't seem to mind it, she kinda liked the attention that she always get from the youngest.
<<Ok guys, there is something you should know. It's about Soojin. I already know as we talked before. So it's your turn now.>> Soyeon said very seriously.
"Soojin ah, are you sick?" "Soojin unnie, are you planning on getting another tattoo?" "Soojin ah are you also asking yourself why the earth is round?" "Jin ah, you don't love me anymore?" The members started to bombard them with questions not making the two only sane to understand. Soojin laughed, her members sometimes can be very silly.
<<Guys, make her talk first>> Soyeon stated
<<Uhm, none of the things you said is right>> Soojin said laughing
<<I am in a relationship.>> She said.
<<To be specific, I was in a relationship even before our debut, but I didn't say anything as it was still the start of everything, so I wanted to avoid any complications. I fell for this guy, during our trainee days, he kept taking care of me and giving me advices. He was and still is very kind and humble to me, and that made me fall for him. The guy that I'm talking about is Hui oppa from PENTAGON. I hope guys that you are not mad at me, I want to apologize to you in advance.>>
Everyone had different reactions. Miyeon started to cry.
<<Omo! Ne donsaeng is growing up really fast. You don't have to apologize to us, loving is not a crime.>>
Minnie was laughing at Miyeon then suddenly turned to Soojin.
<<Yes, Miyeon is right, it is not something that you should worry about. But listen. Although he is our sunbaenim, if he hurts you, I will smash the hell out of him. You better tell him that>> Minnie said with confidence.
<<Or maybe not>> She took it back real quick.
Yuqi was... Yuqi.
<<Oh my freacking pimple, I thought it was something serious like having a tattoo or something, cause honestly I wanna get one too, is it a problem unnie?>> she asked Soyeon. Soyeon couldn't do anything besides rolling her eyes. That made Soojin laugh so hard.
One person didn't talk nor react. Shuhua was so taken aback. Yuqi knew why Shuhua was being like that.
Soojin asked Shuhua
<<Shu, you okay?>> Shuhua was spacing out.
<<Shu..>> that moment Shuhua heared Soojin, she snapped out of it.
<<Oh?! Ne unnie>> she answered and sadness was clearly heard in her voice.
<<Unnie, I forgot that I have to meet Elkie later, is it a problem?>> Shuhua asked Soyeon.
<<Not at all, but what time do you think coming back here?>> the leader asked the maknae.
<<I will probably have dinner with her. So... around 10 pm?>>
<<Ok, please be careful. Don't be home so late, we have practice tomorrow.>>
<<Ne unnie>> the youngest answered.

Yuqi's POV
I was so worried about her, I knew she was lying about meeting Elkie, but I couldn't tell her, I didn't want to invade her privacy.
I entered her room, where I found her spacing out again. As soon as she saw me she quickly grabbed her phone acting like she was doing something.
<<Shuhua, do you mind if I join you later?>> I asked her if I could go with her so I can keep an eye on the latter.
<<Oh Yuqi, I'm sorry but we made a reservation for two and the restaurant doesn't accept last minute changes.>> I know she was making excuses so she could spend some time alone. I didn't want to force her, but I kept worrying about her.
<<Ok, but Shuhua... You sure you're okay?>>
<<Yes Yuqi, don't worry, I'm just a little bit tired due to our practice>> She said.
<<Then what if you call Elkie and tell her that you can make it later, so you can rest?>> I tried to keep her at home.
<<I can't. It is not fair for her, and besides we already made a reservation.>> number 8272628 excuse.
<<Alright, just call if you ever need anything okay?>>
All she did was nod.

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