Truth untold.

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Soojin's POV

I was walking towards Shuhua's room and then I saw Hui oppa talking with the doctor. As I was approaching them, he saw me then turned pale all of a sudden. What's wrong with him?

<<Soojin ah, what are you doing here?>> Hui oppa asked me apparently taken aback.

<<I'm here for Shuhua, what about you? What are you doing here? It looks like you know the doctor..>> I said raising my eyebrow. 

<<I swear if he is the one behind all this I'm gonna freaking kill him.>> I heard Yuqi saying at the back. Makes sense, but I don't remember telling him that Shuhua and I are in a relationship, maybe the doctor did. 

<<Yes he is a old friend of mine. Anyways I'm gonna go, dude take care of my girlfriend's bandmate ok?>> Hui oppa said winking to the doctor, that caused my members and CLC members to look him with disgust.

<<EX girlfriend.>> I said emphasizing the word "ex".

<<Whatever floats your boat babe.>> He said smirking befor leaving.

I can't believe that when he came the first day he was so sweet and ready to support me and now he seems like a totally douchebag. How can a person be like that?

<<He literally makes me puke, ugh.>> Seungyeon unnie said. 

The doctor entered the room and then we followed.

<<So doctor how is she?>> I asked him waiting for him to respond with the dumbest thing he could think. 

<<The situation is still the same, but like I said the other day, Shuhua might wake up within two to three weeks.>> He said smiling. 

<<You sure about that?>> Yujin unnie's father suddenly asked him.

<<Excuse me?>> The doctor, if I can call him that way, asked surprised.

<<Are you sure that she will be able to wake up within two to three weeks?>> The true doctor said.

<<Of course, I'm a doctor I know what I'm saying.>> The younger one responded with confidence. Let's see how confident you will be for the next ten minutes if we don't put you in jail first.

<<If you are a doctor, you should know that when someone is in a coma, the period of unconsciousness is unpredictable. You have to be a magician or someone from the future to know when she's gonna wake up.>> Yujin unnie's father said calmly making the doctor uncomfotable.

<<Another thing, these ladies told me that when she's gonna wake up she has to forget certain memories and people, how is that going to happen?>> The veteran doctor asked to the dumb one.

<<Well, that is thanks to a specific pill>> The fake doctor said still confident.

<<Exactly, but you shoud know that its side effects are no joke when the person is healthy, what do you think the effects will be for someone who just got out from a coma?>> The veteran asked causing the doctor to turn pale. 

<<I.. I am the do.. doctor here, I know what I'm doing and I have to ask you to get out from the hospital.>> The doctor said scared.

<<Ok then call the security.>> The veteran said.

When the security came, the doctor ordered them to take the man out, but they couldn't do anything.

<<You must be wondering why they are not touching me right?>> The veteran said. Honestly I don't even know why the security is not moving. 

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