The first of many heartbreaks.

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Shuhua's POV

I lied about going to meet Elkie, and I think that Yuqi knows it. I don't know why but I have this feeling that she knows what I'm currently going through. Actually, I'm not even worried about it. I don't really mind if she knows something, I honestly would be very reassured.                                    I needed some time alone, to think. I wanted to figure things out. Why am I feeling jealous and hurt? My heart is very broken. I know this isn't right, none of my feelings is right. Oh God... How I wish I could disappear from all this mess. I really wanted to scream so bad.                                  

I found an empty park with a swing. I sat there and began to ride it. As I was starting to swing I hoped all my worries and my feelings could disappear in a blink of an eye. But that was so good to be true. *Sigh*.            

Soojin's POV

After the little talk that I had with the members, I went to Soyeon and thanked her one more time. <<Thank you for helping me telling the members. It would have been a disaster without you.>> I said. <<Don't mention it Soojin, you know I'm here for you and the other dorkies, always.>> She replied to me. But there was something bothering me the whole time. Shuhua...  I asked Soyeon if I was the only one seeing the maknae sad. <<One more thing Soyeonah, was I the only one to see Shuhua sad or upset?>> I asked. <<Honestly, no. I had the same feeling earlier, but I thought it was just me being paranoid about the members' reaction.>> She said. <<What are we gonna do? Do you think we have to talk to her?>> I suggested. <<Maybe she's just tired, let's not jump to conclusions that may be irrelevant.>> Soyeon answered. "Maybe she's right." I thought to myself.

Minnie's POV

That little talk made Shuhua react a bit strange. She said she was going to meet Elkie later, but as far as I remember Sorn unnie told me that they would be overseas this week due to their promotions. I was sure of what she said to me the other day, but I decided to call Sorn unnie anyways, just in case they would be back and maybe Shuhua really did meet Elkie.                      

*On the phone*                                                                                                                                                                      


-Oh Minnie, wassup?-

-Nothing much, just wanted to catch up a little-

-Aww ne donsaeng, you miss your unnie right?-

-Hell no, I actually called you to know something hahah-

-Oh, okay hahah. Great, what is it?-

-Hokshi (maybe), are you still in Japan for promotions?-

-Yes, we are. We arrived yesterday actually. Why? Do you want something?-

-Nono Unnie thanks. How long are you staying there?-

-Here in Japan three days, then we will take a flight straight to Vietnam-

"I was right the whole time" I thought.

-Great, just wanted to know this. Oh unnie by the way, since you already asked, can you please bring me some mochis? Thank you heheh-

-I knew it. See? I know you very well hahaha-

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