Sick 🤧

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(Where the boys are sick and the girls help them)

TW ⚠️ puke, panic attacks, and swearing

(Y/n)'s pov

So uh we went out last night and Chritin, Crawfart, Danil, and Oscar got a 24 hour bug or the flu  or something and that leaves me, Anna, Tyler, and Keri to take care of them all because everyone else can't stand puke and stuff... and I think Jc and some others had stuff pre planned that they couldn't back out of to help.....

"Ugh (y/n/n)!" Christian yells

ruh ro raggy please tell me he didn't puke again

As I go up the stairs of the c4 house I hear crying coming from Crawford's room. I run upstairs and softly knock on Crawford's door not knowing who is actually in there because Crawford was downstairs.

"Hey, it's (y/n) what's wrong?" I say to the mysterious person through the door. "Nothing..... *sniff* go *sniff* away *sniff*" someone says. "Please can I come in or can you at least tell me who it is? Please?" "No, cuz you can't see me crying, it looks bad..." "Oka-" "(y/n)! I NEED YOU DANIL PUKED AGAIN" i was cut off by Anna. "Coming!" I yell back to Anna as I jog down the hall into Oscar's room where Daniel and Christian were laying on Oscar's bed.

Who was that because Keri's down in the kitchen, Oscar and Crawf are downstairs, Anna is up here with me also Christian and Daniel.... who am i forgetting? Oh well.....

"Wha- ewww Daniel, Chritin... come here bubba" I say to christian as he holds his stomach in pain. He uncurls himself from the tight ball and he pulls me into his arms. "I'm gonna get si-" "I don't care. Is this what you go through every. month.? Cuz OW" "um yeah it is and do you want meds for your pain?" "Yes please OW oh dear lord...." he says as he gets a look on his face that i know what's coming next. I wiggle out of his arms and run into Oscar's bathroom and look through his cabinet. There's nothing here.... I think there's stuff in Crawford's room... I should go look there.

I go out of the bathroom and explain that there's nothing there. "Check Jc and Chesley's room or Crawford's and if nothing's there, go to mom downstairs." Anna says as she rubs Christian's back. "Mkay" I say as I close the door behind me.

I go down the hall and hear someone still crying and trying to hide that they are crying. "Hey, I need in here to look for some medicine... can i come in" I don't get a response so I open the door as it wasn't locked.

I see Tyler Seavey curled up on the floor rocking back and forth looking at his phone and trying to be quietly crying but failing. "Hey Ty" I scare him on accident. He trys to cover up that he's crying but he knows it won't work. "What's wrong tyty?" "No- not- nothing" he stutters out trying to keep calm. I slowly walk up to him and crouch beside him. "I know that something is wrong, what happened?"

"Please go away (y/n)" Tyler says as he gets off the ground and goes into Crawford's bathroom. "Tyler please I wanna help you" I say as I go to the door and try to open it. "Go. Away." He says "okay tyty but i'll be waiting downstairs for you if you wanna talk.

I leave his room and go to Jc and Chelsey's room and look through their cabinet for pain relief. I hear a noise coming from the hall. I grab the bottle of medicine and give it to Christian. He takes it and falls back asleep. I check Daniel's tempurature as he falls asleep too.

I go downstairs to see Oscar and Crawford asleep on each other, Anna and Keri in the kitchen talking about something and no sign of "Hey where's Tyler?" I ask as we hear a noise from upstairs.
Uh oh, please tell me that wasn't Tyler...

I don't really like the way this one is turning out but I might make a part two probably not tho....

Do you like 5 people who read these like them? I work really hard on them and I hope you do 💙💣

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